22. Aggression

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Chapter 22

Warning: Unexpectedness



I cursed myself for leaving my gun in my room. Though I had all my daggers, guns were my favorite toys. I'm not expecting any physical assault but I'm almost positive that I'll be assaulted verbally. I've been around Thor enough to know that women aren't treated a fraction as equally as men. Depending on your rank at least. He's never done anything rash or belittle me but it's the little things he does. Like how his eyes widen when a woman gives orders. It's pretty much his facial expressions that tell it all.

"I am Heimdall, Guardian of the Bifrost. You are the Lady Romanoff I presume?"

The dark man that had greeted me looked as if he expected a response from me. My training urges me to keep my mouth shut but I'm in an entirely different realm. I'm in an entirely different realm with a skill set that I hope I don't need.

"Was there a child that passed through here recently?" I asked while simultaneously deflecting his questions and standing from my crouch on the golden floor.

"Ah yes, the Lady Paige. The prince has come and taken her to the palace. Do you also have an ancient relic at your hands?" He questioned. I had to reassure myself to keep myself intact before answering him. Thor has Paige so she's safe, if they have manners then they should be safe from her.

I almost chuckled at the thought of her reprimanding the king for putting his elbows on the table. "I have no idea why I am here but while I am here I might as well get Paige so we can leave together." Heimdall nodded in agreement.

"The prince will be here shortly. He will take you to the Lady Paige." Thor would be here soon, I would see Paige again, soon.


  After I opened my eyes I looked around to see if my wish came true. I frowned when I hadn't seen my mother anywhere in sight. My sadness went away once I turned to see an aurora erupt from the place I had just come from. I smiled at the thought of seeing Mommy again. Also at the knowledge that I could wish for things and they would come true.

"What did you wish for, Lady Paige?" Thor asked.

"Wished for Mommy. I really miss her." I answered innocently. Maybe not innocent enough because the old man scowled at me.

Maybe if I granted him a wish of his own he's be more fond of me.

No! I can't give in. This isn't a popularity contest, I need to think of a long lasting solution to this.

"Ah, so the Lady Romanoff shall be joining us." I nodded and he bowed to his father before exiting the room.

"Why do you hate me?" I asked the old man. I wasn't gonna cry this time. If he didn't like me, I shouldn't care.

"I have no time for such games. Take her to a room." He ordered, and the guards came towards me. I wasn't the least bit fazed though. As soon as they came within an uncomfortable distance, the necklace blasted them away.

"You didn't answer my question." I claimed. The old man pursed his lips before he spoke.

"I, the father of all worlds, will not be ridiculed by a child as small as you." He sneered.

"So you're jealous." I stated. He narrowed his eyes at me, basically shouting 'of course!' across the universe. Mommy would be proud of my interrogation skills."I'm going to wait here until my mommy comes to get me." I stated, holding my ground.

"Guards!" The old man shouted. The men in shiny golden uniforms dashed towards me and once they got within five feet a beautiful blast of blue threw them to the other side of the room.

"That wasn't very nice." I scolded him. Suddenly both our attentions were turned to the doors that Mr. Loud had disappeared through just moments ago. Mr. Loud was the first to walk through the grand door and when I saw a familiar woman with a full head of red hair I couldn't be more happy.

"Paige?" Her voice was filled with relief and urgency. Mommy took off towards me and I began running towards her as well. It wasn't until she stopped when everything slowed down.

There a golden glow that looked like it trapped her and I immediately looked towards the old man. Suddenly I had this itch. An itch and the urge to scream.

I rarely get angry and I do think of myself as a forgiving person. But there was no way I would allow the old man to take his anger out on my mommy. And so I did the first thing that came to mind.

I screamed

I screamed so loud you could hear me from the other side of the universe. I could even see the sound waves emit from myself in blue waves almost as blue as the ocean. Everyone around me was shouting in pain and their ears were bleeding. Everyone but Mommy and Mr. Loud, they seemed to be immune to my screaming. Mommy was even able to get free since the old man was in pain himself.

I watched as some of the guard curled into balls on the ground and began crying blood. I was almost enjoying myself. Almost because I was doing most of the work and I couldn't sit back to enjoy it. In the distance something had blown up, I'm not sure what but it should be fine. The explosion wasn't that big.

Someone had picked me up and I looked to see it was Mommy. I stopped screaming then and the room was filled with the groans of the people who kept me from my Mommy. Speaking of her, she looked a bit more worried and angry than anything else.

"Paige!" She exclaimed in surprise. She looked me straight in the eyes and her eyebrows furrowed. "Both your eyes are green, this was Loki. Loki made you do all of this right?" She asked me seeming more out of breath than she was. It was my turn to be confused.

I searched my brain for some type indication that I did something wrong, nothing came up. "They were going to hurt you." Mommy sighed heavily and whispered a curse in Russian.

"What did Ms. Manners teach you about hurting people?" Who's that?

"Uhm, I dont remember." Now Mommy looked a little bit scared. She glanced at my necklace and before I had a chance to wonder what she snatched it from my neck and quickly tossed it onto the ground. I was almost amazed at how it didn't affect her, and for the moment she looked a bit relieved. It didn't last long.

The necklace shattered as it hit the ground but not even a second later, it put itself back together and darted back to me and clasped itself back around my neck. I shared a bright smile with Mommy and she looked terrified.

"Why so frightened?" I questioned.


Hey guys so I'm back! Hopefully I can get updates going for other stories too. Also a shoutout to kristina_pimenova for helping me out big-time on this chapter!

I hope you guys enjoyed a happy-go-violent Paige, and Happy Easter!

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