Things get intense (Ya Think?)

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I tried to control my breathing. If this boy thinks that I would steal from a mother than he really must love her. He must love her enough to not notice that it has markings on it with a message from a friend.

Besides I have hardly ever left the forest. It's not like I can walk out as if I know what I'm doing.

The downside of not ever knowing anything is people not ever trusting you to do something on your own.

So I take a deep breath and use all my courage to look 'Percy' in the eyes and say. "That was a gift from a friend. I would never steal something from anyone unless it never belonged to them in the first place. So unless your mother is a thief, no I didn't steal it from anyone."

Bree scoffs. "As if anyone would believe you of all people."

Percy still holding the necklace puts it back into my backpack and stands up.

"I'm going to jump into the lake for a couple of hours, tell me when the dinner horn goes off." He walks off and leaves.

I look down ashamed and terrified what Bree will say next. I didn't mean to hurt him but defending myself is the only thing I've ever known how to do.

So I do the next best thing and start rocking on my heels again. My head starts to bury itself into my knees.

I can see some blond hair in front of my knees. Mustering all my remaining courage I look at the stormy grey eyes that look into my soul.

"You never answered the question." She states with anger. "Why did you try to burn down the infirmary?"

I lower my head and with the glare of a thousand suns drilling into my head I manage to mumble an audible "I don't know."

Risking an angry outburst from 'Annabeth' and Bree I snatch my backpack. Then sprint towards freedom.

If anyone follows me I couldn't have known, all I was thinking about was running towards safety.

Everything after that was a blur. Faces. Buildings. Fires. Another building. Something like fire falling from some rocks. Plants growing. Someone screams. It was probably me for all I know.

Trees. Branches, then more faces, then darkness. The next thing I can remember is waking up on the ground with dozens of faces looking over me.

"What happened?" I manage groggily.

"You ran into a tree." Someone says. Everything still looking blurry to me I try and make out who said that at least.

The green tinged skin from that girl earlier seems to make up everyone looking at me. Every molecule in me screams Hide!


Now who do you think that is? 😉

Another chapter soon. Promise.

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