Beginning (part 1)

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"You can't just up and leave like this!" Shane's father screamed at his stepmother. "You can't take my son away from me!"

Shane had never liked the woman, but she wasn't the worst person in the world, that award went to his father and biological mother. Shane peeked through the half closed door as the screaming continued. A few times, there were sounds of flesh hitting flesh and a short lived woman's scream after. His father threatened the woman, saying that 'leaving isn't the answer' and 'you can't take Isaac from me, he's my son too.' No mention of Shane, of course. He already knew, from age seven, that he didn't belong.

"Jerry! You can't do this, you can't keep me here. I don't want myself or my son to be around you!" His stepmother yells again. This time, it was followed by a loud crash and silence.


Age seventeen, Shane heard enough of the shit coming from his father's mouth. It'd been eleven years since he had heard that first fight and his stepmother never had the guts to leave. The abuse trickled down from person to person with his father at the top of the pyramid. His father was always hard on Isaac, the kid was scrawny and on edge from the moment someone so much as breathed in his direction. But it wasn't right, none of this was right. Shane always stepped in before things got physical. Given that fact, he took the top spot for beatings in the household. After school and during any free time Shane had, he trained. Learning style after style and technique after technique of martial arts. He even got someone from school's older brother to teach him how to use a gun.

He was sick and tired of his father hurting the makeshift family he had been dragged into. But as it turned out, Jerry Kavinsky got tired of their backtalk before Shane could act. He came home from a late training session on a cool July night to the sound of complete and utter terror. His father had a gun to his wife's head and Isaac was standing wide eyed in the corner of the living room with blood spattered on his shirt.

Shane took the scene in, standing completely still in the doorway before stepping forward to close the door behind himself. Flipping the deadbolt so no one would enter uninvited. Thousands of outcomes ran through his head in an instant and he fought to keep calm. His heart was racing, he felt like crawling out of his skin because of the tension in the air.

Jerry Kavinsky's mouth was moving, his beady little eyes were trained on him, but Shane could hear nothing. He took a small step forward, it was a mistake. His hearing came back all at once, his stepmom is screaming and his father is yelling, still. "Stop fucking moving! I'll put a bullet in her skull if you move again!" Jerry yells then narrows his eyes when Shane takes another, minute, step forward. He can see his father tense, his body coiling like a snake. Once again, the sound fades to white noise. Shane dives forward just as his father puts pressure on the trigger. His stepmother's blood spatters on Shane's face and torso just before she slumps to the floor. Dead. Lifeless. Isaac gasps, his mouth and eyes wide open before he covers his face with his hands. Shane knocks the gun from his fathers hand as he wraps his hands around his father's neck. Jerry pulls them both down with his weight. There's a brief struggle before Shane ends up on top, fire pulsing through his veins as he stares down at the man that was once his father.

Red clouds his vision, the only thing without a red tint are the horribly black pupils of his dying father underneath him. Isaac is screaming bloody murder in the background. But it's all background noise. His stepmother lay dead on the carpet, in a pool of crimson, not three feet away. Jerry struggles and tears at Shane's neck, squirming and kicking with all his might. Shane feels sharp fingernails tear through his skin, but takes no notice. Either the adrenaline kicked in, or there was no pain left to feel. He stares unblinkingly down at his father as the light leaves his eyes. The man dies with his sons name and a curse on his lips. Shane keeps his hands firmly wrapped around Jerry's neck for a while longer before taking in a deep breath, steadying himself. All of his muscles scream in agony, he felt as if he was on fire from the inside out. Shane lets loose an agonized, animalistic scream before curling his hands into fists. Pounding them into his dead father's skull as he screamed and endless list of profanity until the red faded from his vision.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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