Chatper 21: Take Me Home Please Dear Brother

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Italy's POV:

I slammed the door and bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you." I looked at the figure in front of me.

"Italy is that you?"

"Yes? Uhm sorry but what's your name."

"It's Silver." I looked at the boy again. It was surely my twin vampire twin brother.

"Silver? What are you doing here?"

"To tell you want dad told me to tell you." I cross my arms.

"What is that?"

"You need to come home for a little." I looked at him confused.

"What? Why?"

"Vampire stuff. You are a half breed, you might not understand."

I heard the door open and I turned around. It was Jaime. I turned back around to find that I was by myself.

"Are you okay Italy?" I turn completely to him.

"Yes,"  I looked into his eyes. He looked worried. "I'm fine. Why do you care?"

"Because," He sighs and grabs my hand. "I can't tell you here." I nodded and followed him. He took me to the lobby.

"What is you-" I was cut off by Jaime kissing me. I pulled away quickly. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry." I smirk and grab his face and kiss him. He kisses back and wraps his arms around me. I pull away.

"You still have it Jaime." He smiles.

"I know." I looked behind him and I see Silver shaking his head. I give him a look and look back at Jaime.

"Jaime, I still love you. I mean, more than Andy. We aren't really a good couple," He nods his head as if he's agreeing. "But, you go out with Jess. I'm sorry but I have to go." I run from his grip and run back to the studio.

"Italy wait!" I ignore it and get to the door. Silver stands next to me.

"May I say we go now?"

I nod and text Vic.

"I'm telling Vic that I'm leaving for a little." He nods and snaps his fingers. I send the message and look back up.

"Where are we?" It was a village, almost midevil themed.

"Welcome to Broken Hearts, where all vampire folk live." I looked around and saw different vampires doing their business. I got a text from Vic asking where I was going. I ignored it and followed my brother. Maybe my dad could get rid of my vampire side, but then again I might not have any memory of myself. I know a lot about the vampire folk.

Silver and I walked into a building of stone. My dad was in a chair drinking coffee as it seemed.

"We're home." He stands up and walks to us with arms wide opened.

"Hey baby girl. How's my daughter doing?"

"I'm fine. And can you not call me baby girl, I'm twenty years old."

"Why don't you try one hundred and twenty."

"Same difference dad." I roll my eyes and cross my arms. Silver pats my head.

"You'll get use to it sis." I look at my dad and shut the front door.

"Why do you want me to live here for a little?" He smiles.

"Training and safety for the human world." I roll my eyes again.

"Again, I'm twenty years old. I'm free now and I don't need your help. I lived on Earth for twenty years and I know how to hide my vampire side." He looks at and narrows his eyes.

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