Coffee with witches

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"One Two three four, we think your cheers are a bore! five six seven eight, our teams players are great! Nine ten eleven twelve, you can't beat us, we've got skill!" The cheer team was spot on, their calls ringing up through the empty stands. Valencia pulled her jacket a little bit tighter and bit her lip. the Cheer leaders cartwheeled back off the court as the basketball players ran back on just one last time.

"c'mon Panthers c'mon!" She whispered under her breath, she leaned forward from her seat in the back row.The stadium was half full, the home team taking up most of the seats, and a few of the visitors had driven from Boulder. Someone grabbed the ball, and Valencia barely had time to register that it was River before she was silently cheering under her breath. The ball shot through the basket just as the buzzer went off.

The home teams bleachers surge forward, cheering and whooping as the basketball team was raised above them. Valencia took the chance to escape through the gyms old exit doors, the freezing post-thanksgiving air meeting her cheeks with an unforgiving bite. She smiled to herself as the doors slammed behind her, not noticing the girl in the blue and white jersey trying to catch her.

* * * *

River was having a pleasent dream, the girl with blue hair in her Chemistry class had gone with her on a date to the beach and she looked really good in a swimsuit. Then, everything went black and she couldn't breathe.

She shot up in a matter of seconds, hands reaching up and grabbing the cotton pillow case out of someone elses hands, the giggles registering before her eyes even opened. She caught her breathe and grimaced, looking at the culprit.

"River, time to wake up!" Her roommate smiled her movie star grin and flaunced away, pink pyjamas shimmering in the morning sunlight. River rolled her eyes and rolled back over, shoving her face in the pillows, "Addy, my classes dont start until ten this semester" She buried her face farther into the pillows but knew it was useless, once she was up she was up for good.

She changed into her jogging pants and an old hoodie before setting out of the building. The air was crisp and her cheeks were raw by the time she started running, on her way to the coffee shop just off campus. Her running shoes pounded on the sidewalk and she inwardly smiled, the sound always cheered her up. Other students were heading the opposite direction, new students milling around looking for building numbers, not yet having discovered that they were always labeled in the foyers rather than on the outside, and River ignored them all.

The Brewed Bean was just outside campus, once a metaphysical store the current owners had kept the vibe, couldran shaped tables and chairs, Wiccah and Voodoo books lined the walls, Tarot cards on coffee tables in front of patched gypsy couches, and gymsstones placed precariously on shelves. River looked at the menu, her mission was to try something new everytime she visited.

"Hello doll, what can I get you?" The young couple from New york that usually ran the store wasn't there, instead it was a new girl. She had a small smile and large grey eyes, her hair pulled up half in cornrows, the rest tumbling down in what appeared to be a natural red curl.

River smiled and looked at the menu,"i'll take... That new Strawberry Mocha thing. Never heard of that before" the girl smiled at her and and punched the order in as River handed over a wad of bills.

"So, you're a student up and Sightmoore's?" The girl asked. River smiled and nodded, "i heard that school is really hard to get into, expensive too"

"Yeah, I got an offer for my Athletic skills, but my Academic Focus is on Art. Trust me, i'm no rich kid" River watched as the girl poured the drink, mixing In milks and strawberry syrup.

"I kind of thought so, most of the other kids that came in this morning were using platinum express cards, i'm Belle by the way" Belle handed the drink over to river, and Mr. And Mrs. Miredale, the shop owners, came in.

"River!" Mrs. Miredale smiled. She came over for a hug, narrowly missing the mishap of my coffee going everywhere. Mr. Miredale simply smiled and nodded, before going back to smoking his pipe.

"Hello Mrs. Miredale, how are you today?" River asked, puling away politely.

"Oh River Dah'ling i'm doing just fine," she smiled, her New York accent making an appearance. "I see you've met my granddaughter Belle!" She motions to Belle behind the counter, who smiles and goes back to cleaning dishes, "she's going to the local High school, not that fancy private school you go to. Oh, don't you have class?"

"No ma'am, my classes don't start until ten this semester." River smiled. She looked back at Belle and grinned, "I do need to get going though, Thanks for the coffee!"

(A/N if you get that reference I love you)

* * *

Valencia pushed her way into building four, shoving past freshman and exchange students trying to find their classes. Her bag weighed her down as she flew past the physics rooms and into the chemistry hallway, slipping into her room just as the bell rang.

"Miss Garrison, please sit down." Doctor Marten called. She didn't even look away from the board, just knew.

Valencia found her seat next inbetween Micah and Ryan, the two of them laughing at her.

"Miss Garrison, please refrain from wearing such cute boots in the future" ryan mocked under her breath. Micah chucked and Valencia scowled.

"Not cool, I swear she's out to get me." Valencia whined, pulling out her chemistry book with a laborious breath.

Doctor Marten continued to drone on about the periodic table and lab safety and how they should review the safety quiz each new semester when River Harmon walked in, black hair up in a pony tail and holding a cup if coffee with Brewed Bean floating out of a cauldron on the front.

Valencia sighed, River could make even Sweat pants looks sexy.

"River! Try to refrain from being late next time, it really does disrupt the lesson." Doctor Marten smiled, "I understand practice did run late last night, but with your late start this semester there really is no excuse."

"Yes ma'am, I apologise. It won't happen again." River smiled before slipping into her seat next to the other girls on the basketball team.

"Val, hun. You've got it bad." Micah whistled. Valencia broke her stare away from River and looked at him.


"The looooove bug." Ryan giggled.

Valencia rolled her eyes, and stared defiantly at the black board.

A/N I typed most of this on my phone, so fuck editing and tell me what you think? The girl in the picture (sorry if you're on mobile) is similar to what River would look like. If you guys like the story so far, vote. if not, PLEASE tell me what I can improve on. Oh, and let me know if you want chapter two up?

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