Jay Land

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Once Upon a Time...​ ​

There lived a girl named Celeste in a kingdom very far away. She was born but her mother, unfortunately, died in childbirth and soon after her father died as well. He worked for the King and Queen of the kingdom as their personal chief. The King and Queen could never have children so they took Celeste under their wing. She was properly educated in every subject and in every manner. She was very pretty and also very smart. She took nightly walks with her dog. She found him wondering around the kingdom and in her nightly walks he always followed and waited for her outside the gates every night. So one day she asked her parents if she can keep him and they said yes since then he hasn't left her side. When she turned 14 the King and Queen made parties to find a suitor for her but she always refused. She always made an excuse "he was too tall" to "he's too smart", but she always found an excuse every time. Time passed and she got even more pretty with her curly brown hair that always bounced whenever she walked. Her face was light brown and oval with the most beautiful brown eyes. She had a dimple on her right cheek. Every guy went crazy and wanted her but she wasn't....until she meet Jay.

They first met in the street at night. Jack (her dog) and her were having their nightly walk when they spotted each other. He was on the other side of the street and they both stopped walking as he did too. She smiled at him and he also smiled back and started to walk to where she was standing. As he got closer the world stop around them and it was just him and her. It felt like hours just looking at each other and smiled and he had the most beautiful smile and had a dimple in the left cheek. His eyes were brown the most beautiful brown she's ever seen. Every time he smiled her heart skipped a beat. "Hi." He finally said. "Hi" she replied, that's when the dog barked and she came back to reality. Jack just wiggled his tail and looked back and forth. He patted the top of his head, "whose this little fellow?" She went down to pat his tummy "this is my dog Jack or should I say I'm his. I was walking one night long time ago wen he was a puppy and he started to follow me. Ever since then he hasn't stopped following me." Jay smiled and nodded "Wow. He's a very lucky dog because he has a very beautiful owner." She could stopped but smiled and looked down. "Thanks but umm.." she couldn't finish her sentence because far away she heard someone yelling her name. She stood up and looked nervously and started to back away "sorry I gotta go hopefully I see you again" and she and Jack started to run "Can I at least know your name?" He yelled but she didn't hear and just kept running until she saw the housekeeper with that stern look on her face. "Madam the king and queen were asking for you. Where have you been?" She told the truth," I went to walk Jack here" the house keeper nodded and pointed inside. "I'm going I'm going" she mumbled and went to the dining room. She stopped at the entranced and fixed herself then entered. "Hi mom. Hi daddy." She went up to them and kissed them and hugged them. "Where have you been young lady?" Her father asked as she sat down."I was walking Jack like always daddy you know that." They both looked at each together and smiled "Oh that's right my dear we completely forgot." Her mother said as she was cutting her steak. "Eat now dear," her mother said to her and she nodded and started to eat her steak. Of course she knew the king and queen weren't her real parents but since they have raised her since she was little she saw them as her parents and she couldn't have asked for a better ones. "Sweetie, there something we want to discuss with you." Her father said. "Sure daddy what's up?" Her parents looked at each other. Celeste looked at them and got worried and asked them "What?" Her mother is the one that answered "Baby, we love you and we are just looking out for you. Soon we are not gonna be there with you and we just wanna know that your happy and protected." Celeste nodded "and you want me to get married?" She finished for them. Her dad got up and hugged her "yes we wanna leave this world knowing our little daughter that we love is happy and safe as your mother has said." She just nodded and smiled. "So can we have a ball this weekend." The King and Queen looked at each other shocked. Her mother touched her forehead "well you don't have a fever so are you okay baby. You never ever wanted to help out with one?" She continued to eat. "Well I agree I'm 14 now and should be looking for a suitor." She smiled at them and they smile back at her. "Great. Well talk about it later" she nodded and finished eating. I do gotta tell you this audience...her life wasn't pretty. Everybody in the kingdom knows she not the Kings and Queen's real daughter so when they aren't around she used to be humiliated saying she's nothing just trash and that anytime now the King and Queen will ditch her. It was never a pretty sight. That was one of the reason she never had friends. Even though she had everything, she had nothing at the same time. She also never open to anyone other than her dog Jack of course. Time passed and on her nightly walks she saw him once in a while and they would talk and talk. It was nice for her to talk to someone who wasn't her dog of course. Little by little they started to know each other and the more they knew each other the more they fell for each other. He was the prince of the next kingdom over. He is gonna be the next king, but unfortunately she knew it could never be possible because she isn't a princess...a real one anyways. She knows for sure that she would go back to being a nothing when the King and Queen died. He would never marry her, he couldn't. So she tried to tell him she wasn't real royalty but she couldn't ever say anything. Every time he smiled or laugh she would forget what was important to tell him.

​Bad new was coming. It was the worst news Celeste could ever gotten...the King was dieing. The doctors didn't know from what so they couldn't cure it. The Queen and her were devastated. They never left his side for weeks. The day the King died the day started gloomy. The hour he died it started to rain and everybody in the kingdom closed their doors, shops closed, it was as if it were all devastated. The next day was the funeral and it too rained as if the earth itself knew a good person was leaving and entering the next one. Celeste knew it was only the Queen and her now. In the funeral she saw Jay there and her heart skipped a beat. She excused her self from her mom side and went to him. She asked politely "What are you doing here?" He got her hands and looked at her eyes "I heard the news about your father passing away...I'm so sorry. I'm right here for you, whatever you need I'm here." Her eyes got watery and she started to cry and he just held her in his arms. As she cried he held her tightly and kissed her on her forhead. She did watever it was done but he never left her side and when she needed encouragement she squeezed her hand. He was the last one to leave even though he didn't want to. He wanted to stay with her forever. Just like she wanted him to stay but they knew they had to part. She didn'tleave her mothers side. As the days passed her mother was getting worse and worse. All her mother wanted to do is stay in her room and morn for her husband. She missed him dearly and couldn't believe that her dear husband was gone. Little by little she was going mad, but the only person that brought her down was Celeste. As the queen couldn't take her part as the kingdom she let Celeste do what the queen normally do but every night she would go to the the queens room and talk to her, and every night she would pray for her father to look over her only mother she still has here on Earth. But even though she loved her mother her last thought before she slept was Jay...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2011 ⏰

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