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I sat on the ledge of the small window in my room, looking out at the kingdom I was going to inherit sooner or later. I was the prince of one of the three kingdoms that ruled over the land. Although, unfortunately, my kingdom just so happened to be the most powerless, least wealthy, and in the worst state.

I had a younger brother, but he was quite rebellious and decided to go after marrying a knight instead of a prince or princess like he was supposed to. He was banished from the kingdom for loving someone lesser than him who was also male. But I knew he was safe, we would write to each other and apparently him and the knight had a plan to keep them a secret, and so far it has worked.

My own love life was complicated. My father was constantly hosting parties to find a princess for me to marry from one of the neighboring kingdoms, but none of them struck my fancy. Actually, none of them ever would. Why, you ask? Why it's simple, I just didn't like women and I found myself attracted to men.

I didn't tell anyone for fear of being banished like my brother, Karkat. I sighed and jumped down from the ledge, making my way to the door. I exited my room, then the castle.

I made my way to a nice little field in the middle of the three main kingdoms, sure smaller ones were scattered here and there, but no one really payed attention to them. I sat under a weeping willow tree that I would always go to to read and write in the cool shade.

Reaching up to one of the lowest branches, I pulled out a journal. It wasn't anything special, just a little story I was writing about what my future may be like. I wrote of adventures I may go on, I had always wanted to stray from the boring life of a royal. The boringness wasn't even the worst part of being royal, the clothes were so uncomfortable! So many layers getting caught on things. And having to put on undershirt, then shirt, then vest-thing, and a fancy coat everyday was so annoying!

I sat under the tree, concealed by the branches, and opened my journal. I flipped to the page I had left off on and continued writing using the quill and ink I always kept with me just in case I needed them at any given time.

Just as I had finished writing a sentence, there was a rustling noise in the tree above me. In an instant a man was falling out of the tree, his eyes wide with shock as he tried desperately to grab onto a branch, failing miserably, and plummeting to the ground where he landed with a thump.

The man was wearing all purple clothes similar to my red ones, but the only difference was the symbol on his coat. Mine had a crab-claw thing, but his had waves. I knew that symbol, that was the symbol that said he was from the royal family of the highest kingdom. Most people said the royals were all so stuck-up there and refused to leave the castle for 'lowwblooded peasants' as they called them. They all had odd, wavy accents for some  reason.

I dropped what I was doing and rushed to his side.

"Oh my, are you alright?" I asked him, to which he responded with a groan.

He sat up and rubbed his head. When he opened his eyes and looked into mine, I saw just how blue they were, they were almost the exact color of the ocean.

He stood up and looked at me, confused. "Vwho are you and vwhy are ya out here?" He asked. My suspicions that he was from the 'Highblooded' kingdom as they call themselves, was confirmed when I heard his deep, heavily accented voice.

I internally facepalmed, no one knew who I was, it wasn't like that hadn't happened before. I re-gathered myself and stated, "Prince Kankri Vantas of the 'Lowblooded Kingdom' as we have come to be known." I had no idea what 'lowblooded' was supposed to mean, probably had something to do with our current state.

"Oh," the man started. "vwell I'm prince Cronus Ampora of the Highblooded Kingdom." He gave a short, what I assumed was a joke, bow."So vwhat're ya doin out here?" He asked again.

"Writing, but I could be asking you the same question." I looked up at him skeptically and only then noticed just how tall he was. He was at least two feet taller than me, but then again, I was pretty short, even though I hated to admit it.

"Vwell, I vwas just hangin out in the tree 'cause my brother vwas bein' an ass again-"

I cut him off. "Watch your language please."

"Alright, alright, sorry Chief.." Chief? "I vwas hangin' out in the tree 'cause my brother vwas bein' annoyin'. Then I fell asleep and vwhen I vwoke up, I vwas fallin' and here I am nowv."

That made enough sense for me to believe him.

"Ya knowv, for one 'a them lowvbloods, you're pretty cute~" He said with a wink.

I felt my face heat up and I turned away. Was he seriously flirting with me. "I-I suppose you aren't too bad yourself.." I said back, mentally slapping myself for stuttering. I wasn't lying though, he was pretty handsome. The way his clothes complimented his already amazing eyes, and his face structure, it was just so- No! You are NOT falling for him, Kankri! But then again...

"Damn right I'm not too bad myself. But I'd say that's an understatement." I unknowingly nodded in agreement, then quickly caught myself, turning back around and telling him repeatedly that it was an accident and I didn't mean to do that and that was most certainly not an understatement and was a simple compliment and nothing more and I meant nothing more by it than to be friendly Or something like that...

He just laughed and said it was fine. What? Did he think I was being funny? I wasn't trying to be, I was simply trying to apologize. I decided to just let it go, I wanted him to like me, but that would never happen if I went on a rant like I tended to do. If I had a penny for every word I had said in my entire life, I'd bet I'd be a billionaire. Most people avoid me after hearing a small section of one of my lectures, that's why my father would sometimes punish me when I spoke too much. I didn't see what was wrong with it, it was what made me, well, me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Cronus, "Ya knowv, you're pretty cool, Kan. Vwe should hang out more, it vwould definitely be different than vwhat I'm used to, you're the closest thing I havwe to a friend. I knowv vwe just met and this is a bit soon, but I gotta go, I don't vwant my father to send out a search party.. Again. Bye Chief!" With that he reached down and ruffled my snowy white hair, making me slightly uncomfortable, then started in the direction of his kingdom.

I watched him leave and when I could see no more of him, I decided to head back to my own kingdom. I headed straight to my room, avoiding the questions practically thrown at me by the guards and my few friends roaming the castle. When I got there, I opened a separate journal and started drawing the young prince I was sure I had accidentally fallen for.


A/N: So I hope you enjoyed if you actually read these things at the end. I know I don't, but whatever. This has to be my favorite out of all of the stories I've come up with so far. They're all piling up in my Google Docs, I sometimes feel like I'm drowning in fanfiction. But what I plan on doing with this story is sort of basing some of the chapters or parts off of songs by The Hush Sound. If you haven't heard of them, you should go listen to a few of their songs, they're one of my favorite bands. But anyway, this Author's Note is getting long, so I'll just stop.

Until next time,


Pointless Cronkri MedievalstuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora