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Trigger Warning: This chapter/part contains blood, death, and dragons. So if you don't like any of those things listed, or if you feel in any way triggered by them, you had batter leave now. Or not. It's up to you.


It had been a month since the incident in which I 'accidentally' kissed Cronus, and, well, you know what happened after that. We would continue meeting under the tree, but we were oh so ignorant.  How could we not have thought that us being together was dangerous, both to ourselves and our kingdoms.

I was having a great day, and the only thing that could make me happier was getting to see Cronus, and that was exactly where I was headed. I had my head held high with a smile on my face as I made my way out to the field where our small meeting place rested cozily on the top of a small hill.

The small hill and tree came into view and I quickly made my way up to it. I was so excited to see Cronus. But oh what a fool I was to think that, for what I saw, how I saw Cronus that day, would leave me heartbroken.

It looked like he was just taking a nap under the tree, as if he were waiting for me to get there but fell asleep when he got too bored. But that's just what I thought. After a few moments, I saw it. The blood. It soaked his clothes, darkening them.

I ran to his side where I saw the wound the crimson blood was flowing from. He had been shot in the throat. I stood up and backed away, my eyes filling with tears. I ran away, away from the tree. But my feet would not move. No matter how hard I tried to look away, I just couldn't.

I sunk to my knees after I finally managed to look away from the tree, away from where the young prince I had fallen for lay fallen. I cried. I cried for what seemed like eternity. Then I heard the sound of giant wings flapping in the sky.

It was a dragon. Not a mean dragon, for it was the loyal companion of two sisters I knew from the Midblooded Kingdom. I looked up and saw the giant, white, winged reptile. It landed in front of me and the two girls riding it climbed down.

The older sister, Latula Pyrope, came up to me, smiling. But that smile soon went away after she saw the state of sadness I was in.

"Yo, Kanks, what's the matter, bro?" She asked, worry evident in her voice.

The younger sister, Terezi Pyrope, who was blind and saw by licking and smelling things, sniffed the air. "I smell tears," She said. "And blood." She smiled oddly creepily. "Did someone.... DIE?!?!?!"

I nodded my head and pointed to the tree. The two sisters made their way to the tree.

"Daaaamn," Latula said. "Now that's just plain horrible. Hey, who even is this, Kankles?"

I stood up, not even commenting on the horrible nickname. I wearily made my way over to them and stood next to them, not daring to look at the dead prince. "That- That's Cronus... Cronus Ampora.. The- the prince of the Highblooded Kingdom." I managed to say.

"Well shit." I heard Latula say. "Say," She continued, "If he's from the Highblooded Kingdom, why are you so sad? I thought your kingdom hated those bastards." She asked.

So I explained the situation to her which took me a while and I nearly broke down in tears multiple times.

"Don't worry," Terezi said, "We'll be sure to bring justice to whoever did this, right Latula?"

"You know it, Sis!" Latula replied, and they high-fived. I thanked them.

I quickly departed, wanting so badly to just get away, to deny that this was happening. because it was just a dream, right? Or maybe it was all an elaborate setup, and Cronus was just playing a sick joke on me. It seemed like something he would do.

I ran to my room in the castle, where I saw I had gotten a letter from Karkat. Surely his letter would cheer me up, or at least take my mind off of what had happened.

I opened it and read the letter. Apparently they had moved to a nice little cabin near a pretty blue lake. The knight had painted a picture of their small house and sent it as a sort of gift to me. But when I looked at the blue, it wasn't blue. It was red, for the actual color was the exact same color of Cronus' eyes, and when I looked at that color, all I saw was the color of the blood pouring from his throat onto the ground and staining his clothing.

I wrote back to him, explaining what had happened. I told him of Cronus. I didn't go into too much detail, feeling like if I did, I would just end up making myself even more sad than I already was.

When I finished writing it, I laid down on my bed, trying to fall asleep, desperately hoping that if I did, I'd wake up from this horrible, realistic nightmare, and I would be able to see Cronus alive once more. But that never happened.

I stayed in my room for days on end, and my father started to worry. He would come up to check on me, but I would just ignore him, telling him I was fine even though I wasn't. I lost many nights of sleep thinking about what had happened, thinking about him.

The Highblooded Kingdom wasn't aware of the dead prince, but it was only a matter of time before they found out. Then came the day it all went down. The Highbloods ere worried about their heir to the throne, and sent out a search party to locate him. They found him in the exact spot I had found him in three days after I did. They were outraged and blamed it on our king, on my father. They came to the castle with their army which was much more powerful than ours. I just watched from my window, hoping they would go away. I knew why they were there, but my father had no clue.

Over and over he kept saying he didn't know who did it or why, and I got sick of watching what was sure to become a gruesome fight. I looked away and tried not to think about it.

That's when something I had never witnessed happen, happen at the most convenient of times. A large black crow flew in through my window and landed on my desk, it carried a sealed envelope in its large black beak. I slowly approached it and took the letter from it carefully, and it looked at me approvingly before flying off.

I opened the letter and was greeted with unfamiliar handwriting. It read:

Dear Kankri Vantas,

I know this probably isn't who you expected it to be, but don't stop reading this now. I read the letter you sent to Karkat, it surprised me how fast that thing got here. I haven't showed Karkat yet, because I don't want him to worry about you. Even though it seems like he hates you, he actually doesn't truly hate anyone. Well, maybe a few people, actually, a lot of people, but not you. I know that for sure.

Anyway, regarding the dead prince, there is a way to bring him back. If you want to know more, it would be best to actually talk to you instead of sending letters back and forth, because I have a feeling Karkat or someone else will get ahold of than and might flip their shit. Also, coming over would be a pleasant surprise for Karkat, even though he isn't too fond of surprises...


Dave Strider

P.S. If you do come, please, make sure no one follows you. Also, come alone.

I couldn't believe what I had just read. There was actually a way to bring Cronus back! I was so happy, I had forgotten what was going on outside of my window...


There. It's done. My real life friends have been bugging me, and bugging me to update this, so I finally did. Also, I had originally planned to make this story shorter than it'll end up being, because one day it was like, oh, hey, I could totally add this to my story and make it like ten times longer. So you can pretty much forget the whole song thing, because that was mainly just for the original draft or idea for this part, and it mainly comes into effect at the beginning. So just forget about it. I am also aware of how fast-aced this story is. I would gladly write it in more detail, but nah.

Until next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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