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Time is all I had. So much time to myself. I am brought food randomly. But other then that nothing for a while I lost count time as I sleep on and off through out the day. Nothing happens until hoof beat enter camp in a hurried panic. Shouting starts and so on. I try to get a look through the window. I can't see anything. It goes quite. A groups of warriors enter the Cells. They do not look happy. Indra is among them, but Zara is not. This is not the time to fight. Two grab my arms and the chains are quickly removed. I'm hauled across the room. At the top of the stairs is Anya she has bandage on part of her face. Anya's anger is clearly visible. "Whip that thing." She says venomously. Indra nods and motions. I stand between two trees and rope are tied to my wrist much the same as what was done to the grounder Lincoln the sky people took. Ropes are tied to my ankles letting me stand no less then shoulder width apart.

I can't remember what the word whip means, but doesn't sound pleasant. I lift my voice loud enough for most to hear in the quite space. "What does whip mean?" I ask curiously. There is silence then Indra enters my field of view. She holds something coiled. "This is a whip." She shows me the tough leather. "Oh, Okay. And the action?" Indra looks over my shoulder and nods. She cracks the whip hitting a tree. "The Tree will be your back. Understand?" I nod, my blood ran cold down my back. "I know what whipping is. I just didn't know it had a name." Indra looks at me. I keep my features blank. "Have you been whipped before?" Indra asks. I nod. Her face hardens.


Guard Erickson enters my cell. He looks unhappy. He starts a speech about how the council did this or that. His wife was floated. I was 5. He was carrying a wire. It was thick. "I might not be able to hurt them, but I can hurt you. You shouldn't be alive. Your mother should have been floated." He grabbed my bicep and turned me to face away from him. He yanks my shirt up and began to bring the wire thing down against my skin.

I cried. I begged him to stop. Several more times this happened. By the age of 10 I swear to myself I'd never beg for my life, for the pain to stop. I never beg anyone for anything. Begging never helps. Begging gives them the satisfaction they want.

*Thoughts of the past end*

Indra disappears and someone steps up behind me. They tear open the back of my shirt. They tear it from my frame. The cloth puddles at my feet. "How many?" Indra asks loudly. Anya still sounding very angry "Until it can't stand. No need to count" I shallow back. Fear builds in my chest. I grab on to the ropes leading away from my wrists. I know they speak in english for my benefit. I wish to be anywhere else.

The first one hits. I suck in air hard. I arch away from the blow. Tears come to my eyes. Several more follow at I lose count. I just count away the pain. Inside my head I count as high as I can trying to focus on something else. My eyes remain tightly shut up. Finally my body sags to where the bindings around my wrist hold me up. Two more blows hit for good measure.

Everything fades to black.

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