Part 1

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"Y/N! You won't bloody believe it!" Thomas shouts with excitement, running into my apartment.

I laugh at my best friend as he pulls me into a bone-crushing hug, lifting me off my feet and spinning me in a circle. His arms are strong, and I wish he would never let me go.

"What is it?" I ask equally excited once he lets me down.

"I got casted to play Newt!"

I gawk at him. "Shut up. Are you serious? You better not be playing some sort of bloody sick joke on me or I swear to gosh I will bloody hurt you Thomas Brodie-Sangster." I poke him rather roughly in the chest.

He laughs at my reaction and puts his hands in mine. He squeezes them gently and looks me in the eyes. "Seriously, Y/N."

My eyes widen and a squeal. Thomas just laughs at me again, pulling me into another hug.

"Congratulations, Tommy." I whisper in his ears.

"Thanks," he responds just as quietly. "But..." he pulls away slowly.

"What?" I ask.

"I have to move to America." He says slowly.

My whole life just reached a horrible end. My best friend since birth will no longer be my side. I don't know what to say so I say nothing at all.

"Please say something, Y/N." He begs, squeezing my hands again.

"I..." I stop.

"Please," he whispers, his voice cracking.

Tears begin to fall from my eyes at this. Thomas notices and pulls be back in another hug.

"You could always come with me, you know?" He whispers.

I remove myself from his grasp. "I can't, Tommy. You know I can't. I have school- college. After how much trouble I went though to get that scholarship, I can't just pack up and bloody leave."

He nods sadly. "I forgot, Y/N. I'm sorry."

I look at him sadly. "You will be back...won't you?"

He shrugs. "I don't know."

I nod and straighten up. "Well, no use being upset over it."

He nods again, but says nothing.

~At airport, dropping Thomas off~

"Bye, Tommy." My voice cracks sadly.

"Bye, Y/N." He whispers.

As of now, we're standing in the middle of the airport until Thomas's flight gets called, hugging like our lives depend on it.

I brought Tommy a going away present. I pull away slowly and hand it to him. "Here, Tommy, I got you something."

He looks down at them, taking them from me shakily. "You didn't have to Y/N."

"Oh. But I did." I respond. He's about to open the gift when I stop him. "No. Wait until you get to your place in America. Promise me."

He nods curiously, "I promise."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. "Good, good." I hug him again. "Don't forget to call when you land, too."

He pulls away, "I will Y/N." I smile. Tommy is about to say something else when he gets stop by his flight being called. His smile falters.

I smile gently and give him a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll see you later, Tommy."

I turn and walk away slowly. I can't watch him walk onto that plane and watch it fly away. I told him I wouldn't stay to watch.

5 hours later, I sit in my bedroom waiting for Thomas's call. I know he probably hasn't landed yet, but I don't want to take any chances.

However, by the end of the week, he still hadn't call. I walked into my apartment after getting out of my last class of the day and sighed. I give up. My best friend is in a different country, and probably has totally different friends by now.

I pull out a scrapbook full of pictures of me and Thomas as we've grown up over the years. In some, Thomas is staring at me like I'm the only girl in the world. Uh, I never noticed before. In others, I'm looking at him like he's the only guy in the world. Uh, never noticed this either.... Okay. Maybe I have. Maybe I have a small crush, but that's beside the point.

I sigh and close the scrapbook. I pick up my phone and check one more time for any calls from Thomas. There is none.

I let a tear fall down my cheek before crawling into bed with the scrapbook pulled tightly against my chest.

Damn you, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, I think to myself sadly as I fall asleep.

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