Chapter 2

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three weeks go by kay and jessica have moved to huston,texas.

"hey jess wanna come with me to the grocery?' asks kay

"umm no i think im gonna stay here and finish the house but you go,you need some down time"

"k do you need anything from the store?"

"no im fine,actually i know what you can"

"hahaha so funny NOT bye girl"


as kay walks into the store a man bumps into her causing her to drop her purse

"im so sorry,hey do i know you?" asks austin

"no i just moved here but i think i might have saw you somewhere" says kay

"yeah i think that may be possible hi im austin mahone"

"oh now i know you umm so how are you cause last i heard you were going through a rough time"

"im doing good thanks"


"maybe we should go get food or what ever it is we need cause we have been standing in the door for like 10 minutes so do u care if i shop with you or-"

"no um i mean yes i would love that"

they get finished with their shopping and go to a check-out line

"k so can i see you again?" asks austin

"yeah sure ill give you my number" says kay



"thank you so i geuss ill text you later"

"k bye"


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