chapter. 2

5 0 0

Mai pov

"Tree tree bush grass smaller tree . . . the academy! Finally, I been counting tree and whatnot since i broke our radio. Maybe next I want to a report on sound waves I just buy a radio. You can best believe I learned my lesson. No fun music in car = counting trees.

Mirai academy, since the Forward Group was established in Japan the academy is manned in Japanese. Here I will meet with the headmistress to get my mission.

Wow, I said sound like I'm in one of this pokèmon or ledgend of Zelda games. Awesome!

Stepping out of my father's experimental new car - like seriously I don't trust the thing- take my way to the academy stairs. For some odd and weird reason when you step on the school ground it doesn't even look like you are even in Japan any more. The school has a French European feel to it.

Walking into the academy both my parents and I are surrounded by beautiful drawings and paintings on the wall. Ever since my first day I have been captivated, but it seems my parents are to. Talking to each what they should make for dinner, we all walking up the Cinderella staircase they past some of the newest art that is hanging in the school.

Its one of the justice pieces the art team is working on. I take time to try to understand why the artist painted this, the message and or the feelings the artist was feeling.
Walking down the hallways I look at all the art work I think of all this things. As I look up to see if any other students are looking at the work then I realised I'm in a completely different hallway. The worst part about this is i'm in a hallway I never been before.

I turn around hoping to find some clues to tell me which direction I came from. To my disappointment I find nothing now I'm completely lost having no way where I started from. Sighing I pull out my phone from my bag to Chris a laugh cuts through the air.

" ha I can't.believe it the miss second rank is lost" I slowly turn around, you know one of those slow turns they do in movies hoping who's voice I just heard it not who I think it's. Disappointment is all I feel when o fully turn around. What's up with getting so much disappointment today ew.

The person that stands before me is no other Twan Yamashita. He is a good 6'4 against my 6ft, his deep forest green eyes go perfectly with his dirty blonde hair that is slightly messy. Damnit why he be so hot it makes it hard not like him, but I would never tell him that.

Even his clothes are perfect. His His tight v neck t-shirt shows his muscles a result of hours of training. Also it shows his tan skin from being both Japanese and French. Not that will ever tell him that or that how his jeans show his long legs. Nope I'm not telling (author note:is that double negative?).

We really don't talk much which is really odd seeing how we are in the top ten. With him being number 1 and me being number 2 hence the nick name miss second rank. Well to late for it now, since we are graduating soon.

"What do you want Twan!?" I said snapping at him. If you can't tell I'm passed this dude sees me freaking out and decide to start laughing at me. Maybe this why we don't talk?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2016 ⏰

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