Love Changes You.(Part 1)

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  Part 1
pairing:Jazz X Mech!Ex-Decepticon!Reader
Location:After the 1st movie,Jazz didn't die

         Destruction was very sweet,was it not?You however,at this time,hated it.Your leader was dead,your brother was dead and now the Autobots were after you.Great,just what you needed.

        Currently you were hidden in a warehouse off of the places humans called 'docks'.You glared at everything,pissed.then again,why wouldn't you be.Autobots had killed another decepticon right in front of you yesterday.Another companion,dead.

      You growled and picked up a rather large stone,and flung it at the wall acorss from you.It hit the wall with a clang.and the wall dented,incasing the rock.You smirked but it fadded when you heard something like a voice.

     No it was many voices,and they were human voices.You cursed in your native tounge,and stood.Thankfully the warehouse roof was larger than you,since you wer quiet a small cybertronian,and quickly snuck towards the large doorways.

As the voice grew nearer you took a quick glance around before slamming your shoulder into the doors,causing them to fly off their hinges.The door landed into the water,sinking as you transformed into your [car/form] and drove off.

     The humans let out startled cries,surprised by the suddenness of everything,and you laughed joyfully.Maybe you could get away!.....or maybe not.

        A silver proche began chasing after you,being the only one of the cars,a semi the porche and a ambulance,that chased you.You sped up,hoping to out run the car,however luck wasn't on your side as said car rammed into your side,causing you to spin out of control.

     You smash into a large crate,hitting where you head was,and before you black out you see a silver cybertronian run over to you.


        Your [o/c] optics flashed online,you snapped into a sitting position,but winced as pain shot through your head.You glanced around and saw you were in a cybertronian jail like cell.You tried to stand but found that there were chains on your legs and knee's.

       "Don't try to stand,you're stuck and if you try three times,you get zapped" a voice said from outside the cell.You glanced at where it came from,to see the same silver bot again.

       "Who are you!"You snarled,growling at the silver mech,making him chuckle lightly and hold up his hands.

       "Wo,calm down there lil' decepticon.Names Jazz,what 'bout you?"He said,smiling brightly.You glared at him,not sure wether to trust the bot.Maybe you could maybe you couldn't?Who knew.

        "My designation is {y/n},"You muttered,slightly glaring at him.Jazz Grinned and crossed his arms over his chest.He smirked slightly as you growled again.

       "Well then why don't you just join us no-,"

         "No!I will not join!The decepticons havn't lost yet!"You yelled,anger filling your energon.Jazz blinked,his face becoming blank.He sighed and shook his head.

      "You're wrong.They're destroyed," He said,then walked off,leaving you alone in the cell.


-timeskip of 7 months-

     After so long you finally trusted the silver mech, and eventully the others. You,after 3 months,you gave in and admitted there were no more decepticons.But now there was something you had to do.

     Optimus said that to prove that you had finally given up the decepticons ambisions,you had to,with Jazz,go find a decepticon and terminate them.Though you knew it was going to be hard,you had to do it.

      You felt almost free when Ratchet unlocked the chaisn that were only around your ankels and you looked at the grumpy old medic.He gave you a half smile,making you smile back,Over the time you had grown a bond with the medic,but not as strong a bond as you had with Jazz.

       Ratchet then lead you to the main room and as you walked beside him many passing humans flinched,gave you scowls,shouted insults and many more.You kept a straight face but Ratchet ,and jazz when he saw you, saw through the outer shell.

    Now you hated what you did as a decepticon and ,though it was hard to admit,you regretted everything you did but many did not bealive you.But today,you would show them that you had changed.That you weren't who you used to be and you had gotten better.


Cliffhanger :3
part 1


So this is part 1,I hope you like it.I do request's(which I mainly get from Deviantart)

If the story get's enough like's or whatever you get on here I will post part 2!

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