Any Ideas?

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Evan POV
I woke up to my phone vibrating. I groan as I reach over to grabbed my phone to see a message from unknown.

?: First thing first time to change rooms

'You got to be fucking kidding' I thought. I sighed and rest my head back on the pillow "who was that?"

"It was him. He's making us switch rooms as well."

Jonathan groaned "I won't be able to sleep without your warmth."

"I know babe, but we need to do this for Lui."

He sighed "I'll go started making breakfast." I laid there for a few minutes before I got up to see if any of the guys were up and they weren't until they smelled Jonathan's cooking.

"Where's David" I asked.

"He said he had class in the morning. He needed the distraction" Craig yawned and I nodded. I got up to set up the plates and utensils while Jonathan served everybody.

"I got message from him this morning."

"What did it say" Tyler asked.

"He want us to switch rooms."

Tyler threw his fork down "are you fucking kidding me?"

I sighed "I wish was."

"So who's going to move" Craig asked. We were quiet for a moment before Jonathan spoke up.

"I'll move upstairs."

"No Jon-"

"Evan it's fine."

"How is this okay?!"

"Tyler calm down. I know you're upset. We all aren't happy about this, but your outbursts are not helping. You're just feeding in this guy's game. Don't let him get to you" Craig said.

Tyler sighed and looked at Craig "you're right. I'm sorry" he kissed his forehead.

"We should start moving stuff around before our classes start and whatever we don't finish we can do afterwards" I announced and everyone nodded.

Time Skip after Moving and Classes

"So how do we go about this" Craig asked.

I sighed "I guess we started going dates and hang out."

"I can't believe we are doing this shit" Tyler argued.

"I know but right now we don't have a choice" I said.

"Where's David" Jonathan asked.

"He's in his room. He hasn't come out since he came back from classes" Craig replied.

Jonathan sighed and groaned "this going to take a toll on all of us."

"What I don't understand is if this guy knows us, why does he doubt our relationships and why take Lui" I questioned.

"I don't know. Why should it matter? Clearly this guy is crazy" Tyler exclaimed.

"I know but this guy could have ask for anything. Money. Other stuff whatever, but he goes after our relationships."

"You think this guy could dated Lui" Craig said.

"I don't know, but it's a possibility."

"Well Lui never mentioned a crazy ex to us" Tyler said.

"No not to us but maybe to David. We should talk to him" Jonathan said.

"I don't know if we're going to get anything out of him. I tried talking to him earlier, but he wouldn't say anything" Craig said.

"We have to try though" I argued.

"How? If he finds out what we're doing, we could risking Lui's life" Jonathan argued.

"What about outside of the house" Craig questioned.

"Maybe but there's no saying he has spies or whatever watching over us wherever we go" I sighed "we just get this over with and try to make a plan from there."

"Yeah whatever" Tyler groaned before heading up to his room.

"Craig have you gotten the chance to talk Tyler before all this craziness" Jonathan asked.

"We talked about it the day before and he was okay with my choice, but last night he seemed frustrated. I know it has something to do with what we're dealing with right now, but I don't know he just seem weird and was quiet" Craig replied.

I sighed "Goddamnit Tyler. We don't need this right now."


"Tyler gets like this with something is bothering him. He's pissed about this arrangement, but I know something else is bothering him. Knowing how he is, he's going to be a bitch about it and not say anything" I groaned.

"So what do we do?"

"I'll try to talk to him. We don't need him screwing this up for us" I sighed.

"So dates or whatever. How should we go about this" Jonathan asked.

"We are going on a double date tomorrow and more until I can get Tyler's head out of his ass." They nodded. "It's getting late. We should head to bed." We got up and Craig headed to my room while Jonathan was getting ready to go upstairs. I grabbed his hand before he could move "hey remember what I told okay? Try to keep an eye on him and let me know if anything happens."

He squeezed my hand in reassurance "I know, and I promise" we let our fingers linger for a few minutes before we let go and went to our rooms.

Jonathan POV
When I got in my "room," Tyler was laying down looking at his phone. I went to the dresser and grabbed a t-shirt and sweatpants. Before I closed the drawer, my eyes glanced at this tiny ladybug. I picked up and took a closer look. There was a whole bunch a wires and blinking light. I sighed as I dropped on the floor and crushed with my foot. "What was that" Tyler looked up from his phone.

"Camera bug."

"Yeah I found one on my night stand" he sighed.



"Uh nothing...never mind" I quickly made my way to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I wanted to ask him what was bothering him, but I should just let Evan talk to him since he does know him better than any of us. I sighed as I got undressed and slipped in the shower. Once I was finished, I dried myself off, but I realized I left my clothes in the room "shit." I opened the door and grabbed my clothes before returning to the bathroom. After I got dressed, I got underneath the covers while Tyler was still in the same spot. "Night Tyler" I mumbled.

"Night" he replied. 'I hope Evan can knock some sense into him before things get out of hand' I thought before drifting off to sleep.

Hey guys I'm not sure how often I'll update this story since I'm back at school. I'll try to have maybe one chapters a week maybe depending on how much free time I'll have. Anyways I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!!!

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