Hermione's Diary HP and the Goblet of Fire

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Dear Diary,
Today was the start of my 4th year at Hogwarts. I was super exited when Durmstrang and Beauxbatons came to Hogwarts. Harry and Ron were super exited when this guy named Viktor Krum came to Hogwarts. Some quidditch player I suppose....
Ron seemed obsessed with a girl named Fleur. There's something about her I don't like....

Dear Diary,
Viktor Krum smiled at me today! I don't know him but I smiled back. Enough of that, Anywho you won't believe this!!! HARRY'S NAME GOT PICKED OUT OF THE GOBLET OF FIRE SO DID CEDRIC DIGGORY FROM HUFFLEPUFF! I have a feeling this has something to do with Lord Voldemort.... I don't want to tell Harry though because he'll just ignore me like he always does when I'm concerned for his safety.
Maybe I'm just paranoid. There's just no way Voldemort could return it's impossible.

Dear Diary
Harry just figured out he'll have to fight a dragon on the first task! I'm so terrified for him, plus Ron and Harry aren't talking to each other anymore. I'm scared that Harry might... Um die in this triwizard tournament! I'm scared that Ron's last words to Harry will be "stay away from me"

TO BE CONTINUED....... DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hermione's Diary in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum