Mornings Like These

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It was a bright and sunny morning in the Winchester household. The sun was shining, the birds singing, all was happy and bright.

The house was quiet and calm. Not a single speck of dust making a sound. The world was quiet- Just the way mornings are supposed to be.

Although the morning was pleasant, the holder of all of Dean's heart and soul was not.

You see, Castiel Winchester hated mornings. They( besides poorly made burgers and seeing his husband cry) were his least favourite thing in the universe. No questions asked.

Waking up the sleepy ex- angel of the Lord was a task that nobody liked to ensue . It was difficult and possibly life threatening if it wasn't done right. That's why only his husband was trusted with the task. ( Cas was easier on Dean than the other family members and close friends that might visit occasionally.)

Up the stairs and three doors to the left, we set our scene. There, in the light green bedroom, lay a pair. Their limbs tangled loosely around eachother, chests moving softly up and down in synchronous movements with their breathing. Hearts beating as one.

Dean Winchester loved five things - Cas, his brother, his car, pie, and mornings like this one. In that specific order. The quiet was calming and the stillness therapeutic.

Mornings like these allowed him to simply lay with the one who holds his heart, his soul, and his entire reason to live .

Mornings like these permitted him to finally breathe easily. Away from the stress of a job and family.

Mornings like these allowed him to revisit the memories from his early childhood, from when his mother was living, and he was still naive and so carefree. Mary , John, and he would just lay in bed and feel the comfort of each others's warmth and snuggle.

In his bed with the red flannel sheets and the plump black duvet , he lay, peppering his love's forehead and eyelids with soft kisses . He let out a short, contented sigh. In this bed, he was truely happy.

Dean smiled softly as his husband slowly awoke. Cas was always so adorably grumpy when he first woke and it made his heart glow.

He pulled his husband closer and kissed his shoulder once more before rising and exiting the warm room slowly, as to not disturb the half-asleep figure still under the warm blanket that he had spent so many mornings under with the item of his affection.

God, I'm hungry, Dean thought as he pulled out the ingredients for french toast from the fridge. Let's see... milk, eggs, orange juice...where's the bread again??

He looked around the kitchen before spotting the needed ingredient on the counter and grabbing that too.

French toast was one of his best breakfast foods. It was an easy dish, only requiring a few skills to prepare deliciously. Not that Dean didn't have many cooking skills. He was a great cook!

....... most of the time.........

The former hunter set to the task of preparing breakfast for his husband; mixing eggs with milk and orange juice and soaking slices of bread in the soon-to-be-a-delicous-meal mixture.

As he grilled the toast, he heard a shuffling sound from behind him and turned around to come face to the sleepy, more than slightly grumpy, Cas.

"Morning, sunshine." Dean smiled and handed him a cup of coffee he'd prepared just the way Castiel liked it. Two spoons of sugar and a dash of milk.

" Want so-"

" No" Castiel interrupted and gave Dean a sleepy glare. He had the duvet wrapped around his shoulders and his fluffy pajama pants with ducks on them.

He's so adorable, Dean thought, and turned back to his food as Cas settled down behind the counter.

Yeah, mornings like these were pretty great.

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