How To Get Someone To fall In Love With You.

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Step 1: Fuck steps 1-6

You don't need to change who you are or anything about yourself for anyone. If you do, fine, but one day, your facade is going to slip and they're going to see who you really are under that mask you've been using. Be yourself and never change anything about you. One day, maybe not today or tomorrow, you are going to find a person who thinks you are the most amazing person in the world and they're glad to have been as lucky as they were to have met you. They will feel the way they see their favorite food when they see you, excited, happy, and ready to marry it for the rest of their lives. 

Step 2: Be yourself and fuck steps 1-6 for the rest of your life

Girls are changing into something they aren't just to please society's standards and it sad to see. But if you follow steps 1-2 of this chapter, you'll finally find the right person for you some day. And you will be happy and proud of yourself.

Love you.

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