3. Vikklan

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Vikk is much shorter compared to Lachlan. Lachlan didn't mind, but Vikk got annoyed when Lachlan would put things on top shelves.
The two had gotten into an argument. So in an effort to get Vikk to speak to Lachlan again, Lachlan uses his height as an advantage.
Lachlan put cups and plates on the top highest shelve, hoping that'd work.
Something breaking could be heard from the kitchen. Immediately, Lachlan gets up and goes to see what's happening.
Vikk was on the counter reaching for a cup, with a shattered one on the floor.
Sparring another tragic glass cup death, Lachlan reaches up slightly, and grabs the cup for his much shorter boyfriend.
Vikk still wants to give Lachlan the silent treatment so, he ignores his boyfriends effort and reaches for another cup.
Before that same cup hit the floor, Lachlan caught it.
"Here Vikky," Lachlan presents the caught cup to Vikk.
Again Vikk makes an effort for a new cup. By now, Lachlan doesn't want another broken glass and hates the treatment Vikk is giving him.
Carefully Lachlan steps over the before broken glass and grabs his boyfriend by the waist. Pulling him off the counter, Vikk tries to get out of Lachlan's grip. Yet, he failed as Lachlan lightly dropped him on the couch.
"What's with the silent treatment?" Lachlan questions, eyeing the shorter boy up.
"Yo-you were flirting with the lady at the café," Vikk answers, not looking directly at Lachlan.
"Was I?" Lachlan asks more to Vikk then himself.
"Ya y-" Vikk is cut off by Lachlan's lips.
"The only person I'd ever wanna flirt with is you," Lachlan answers pulling away from the kiss.

The fuckin height difference like I'm not okay.


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