Birthday night

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Emma's Alarm goes off.

"So today it's louder" Emma groaned while rolling on her side and turns it off then checks her phone and sees all the Facebook posts and text messages saying 'happy birthday' Emma locks at her phone "uhmm stupid birthdays why can't it last just an hour instead of all day" Emma groaned, Emma slid out of her clothes and stepped in the shower then turned on hot water and let the hot water hit her skin as she thinks about her past.

Emma got dressed in her best skinny jeans and a white tank with the bring me the horizon logo.

Emma's POV

Thank god today I won't be late for work so that dragon like boss won't complain on me being 10 mins late well I better leave now or I'll be 5mins late.

Emma walked out her apartment out on the streets and looked out to the sunrise.

I miss my hometown back in first year without my mom to celebrate my birthday man I miss her and my sister along with my niece but I guess it's ok I'm 19 now I could go on without family for another year then I'll visit them.

Emma walks into her work and waves to Heather.

"Ahhh it's Emma! Happy birthday!" Heather yelled then hugged Emma tightly, "thanks heather your the first person who said that...well in person" Emma winked, Heather bumped Emma with her hip "at least it wasn't the dragon" heather laughed, "good morning Ms. Henderson happy birthday, I hope your ready for tonight's party." Kate said sternly, "thank you Kate and yes Im somewhat am excited for it" Emma smiled, "I said ready not excited." Kate walked away into her office, "ugh that was the nicest I seen her" Emma smirked, "we'll go back home and get ready and have a good day since we got your back up but remember to come back at 6" Heather nudged Emma, "ok I'll try " Emma winked and walked out and headed towards the palm beach mall to get herself some breakfast from Starbucks, "good morning Em haven't seen you in a while...happy birthday" Emma's friend Greg said "thanks Greg its been a while since I actually had a cup of coffee and breakfast " Emma murmured, "oh yes what can I get you pretty lady" Greg winked, "I'll have a small green tea latte and a bagel " she smirked, "ok that'll be 8.40" Greg said professionally trying not to laugh, Emma gave him the money and sat at a table then started scrolling down her newsfeed on Facebook.

"Green tea Latte with a bagel for Em!" Greg yelled, Emma got up still looking at her phone when suddenly she bumped into a man knocking his coffee on himself "oh my god! I'm so sorry I wasn't paint attention!"Emma apologized without looking at him and wiping his shirt with a napkin when suddenly she looked up she saw the most sexiest guy she ever saw "um...I'" Emma stuttered with her hands on his chest, "it's fine Ms?" The man asked, "oh um Ms. Henderson but please call me Emma or Em" Emma said while sliding her hair behind her ear, "well Ms. Henderson you should pay more attention in reality instead of texting your boyfriend." The man sternly said, "oh haha no I don't have a boyfriend um may I ask who you are?" Emma asked softly, "I'm the guy you spilt coffee on also known as Scott McGrath." He holds out his hand with a smirk, "oh yeah sorry" Emma blushes while shaking his hand, "hola! Hello! What is this? 50 shades of grey? Em you latte and bagel" Greg holding it out, "oh sorry Greg" Emma blushes "it was nice meeting you Ms.henderson and thank you for spilling coffee on me." Scott said sternly with a slight smile.

Emma's POV

Wow! He's so good looking with sandy brown hair and blue green eyes perfect teeth and lips...good thing I wore my good jeans I said thanks to Greg and walked out back to my house to get ready, I don't know what to wear I think I might wear my little black dress or maybe white short shorts and my kings of leon copped tshirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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