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Eventually the scent of the sauce wound its way through the Tower, mostly due to Adeline sending up a small bowl full in the elevator and making it stop at each floor.

"JARVIS, you can tell everyone it's dinner, and tell Tony and Bruce that I will forcibly remove them from the lab if I have to." Steve chuckled, even as he knew she was completely serious. It wasn't as if she didn't have the strength. She had once stopped the Hulk from punching her, by holding on to his fist for a minute or so.

Thor was first into the large dining area just over the kitchen and he beamed at Adeline through the kitchen entrance. "It smells delicious, my little friend!"

"Excellent!" She shouted, shaking some spices over one pot, before pushing herself along the floor on her wheeled step-stool. She was cooking three industrial sized pots full of sauce and four of pasta and needed the stool to see into the back ones - and the front ones, but she'd never admit it. "You can help set the table!" Thor's face dropped a little, but he quickly regained his enthusiasm.

"Do I get the first choice of the garlic bread?" He asked her as he entered the kitchen to collect the cutlery. She stirred the pasta, and looked to Steve, who was chopping some lettuce.

"You can fight Steve for it. He's been helping." She rolled past the god, who ducked back out to the large table.

"Very well, Rogers. What say you?" Thor called. Steve laughed,

"You go for it, Thor. I'm fine with second choice." Thor looked content, and sat at his designated place. Natasha, Cho and Clint came in next, Clint limping, but sniffing the air appreciatively.

"I swear this is the only reason we keep you around, Addy." The little woman drifted past the door way, halting the step-stool with a hand on the door frame. She shook her wooden spoon at him.

"I would watch yourself, plastic man! You were convinced I was an angel, and don't you forget it." She pushed herself back into the direction of the stove. "I just might feed you worms." He laughed, and Natasha helped him into his seat, before heading into the kitchen.

"Need any help?" She asked the small woman. Her hair was curling because of the steam and heat in from the large stoves.

"Yep! Grab that salad from Steve, and put it in the centre please." Natasha did as she directed, struggling for a second with the sudden weight of the salad bowl. The elevator door opened, and Bruce and Tony stepped in. Addy made to push herself to the entrance again, but on his way to the fridge to collect the dressings, Steve automatically gave her a push in the right direction. "You two!"

Tony looked at her, and Bruce looked vaguely scared. "Yes, my most beautiful and talented Chef Addy?" Tony said sweetly.

"You can get the plates and set them out for me in here, and Bruce, you can get the cups and set them out." The two men went on their way. She addressed the rest of the team at the table and Cho. "There's still some of my gingerbeer and lemonade left over, and if you want adult versions, you can get vodka from the freezer." Clint gave her a thumbs up.

Tony waited for little woman to go whizzing past him again before he began to set out the plates so she could serve up easily. She shoved a stack of bread plates in Steve's waiting hands, and he marched right out again.

This was one of the best times for the team. Same teamwork, different leader. Adeline was a bit of a demon in the kitchen, they all knew, but it was one of her favourite things to do of an evening, and they just went along with her. It always turned out delicious in the end. Especially spaghetti with her bolongnaise sauce. Even if there was some left over, they would live off it for the next couple of days.

The garlic bread was delicately steaming, and the pasta and sauce smelt amazing. It turned the modern space into something more like home. They all were looking expectantly to the kitchen, where the chef was clattering around looking for a cheese grater.

"Oh guys! Start! Go ahead!" She called. There was a chorus of 'no's and 'we'll wait's. She emerged a second later waving it triumphantly. She took her seat at the top of the table, and they kept looking. "Oh right!" She waved her hands over the spread of dishes on the table, "2,4,6,8, bog in, don't wait!" On her cue, they all began to eat.

For the first minute or so, it was near silence as everyone stuffed their faces. The chatter began.

Adeline nodded, completely engrossed in the conversation with Clint about the time he broke his arm trying to feed an elephant.

"Oh my-" she exclaimed, she held up a hand to halt him mid sentence. "Sorry - hold that thought." She bounced out of her seat, and back into the kitchen, where she pulled out a log of frozen cookie dough she had made a while ago. Using some of her considerable strength, she sliced it evenly, and popped the many trays into the ovens. She jumped back up. "Okay, go." Clint chuckled, but continued.

"Addy!" She looked down the table at her name. Tony was pointing at her.


"I forgot to tell you. Tomorrow night we're having a goodbye party for Thor." She beamed.

"Excellent!" Her face fell slightly, "I supposed that means I won't be getting much sleep, then?" Everyone laughed at her crestfallen expression.

Addy stood over a pile of plates, washing them thoughtfully. Unbeknownst to her, Steve stood watching. "You could've just let everyone else take care of those." He said. Addy jumped and a plate slid out of her grasp. It landed with a slash back in the soapy water,

"Don't sneak up on people like that, Steve." She said reproachfully. Steve ducked his head, grinning sheepishly,

"Sorry, Addy."

She chuckled. "It's alright." She set the dish to the side. "And besides. Sometimes I like washing up. Gives me time to think." He nodded, and approached her wet pile, picking up a tea-towel to dry. "You don't have to-"

"I want to." He smiled down at her. "Gives me time to think." She beamed down at the water, and handed him a bowl.

Just a bit of a filler.

Hope you guys r enjoying everything so far xoxo

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