Untitled Part 1

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You cried and said I don't deserve you-

I agree with you-

But I told you I love you

And I told you that you were wrong

Because you were drunk.

You get drunk off my money,

You tell me I don't care, 

I worked all summer

Over time

Without the pay

Making less than minimum wage,

I used to be able to afford a car. 

You don't understand my reasoning,

But me having reasoning

Should be enough for you.

You are using me 

But I let it happen because I love you.

I cannot say no to you.

This platonic relationship is abusive:

My love for you has me hating both of us.

I used to think I was amazing,

Until you showed me I was not.

I am the best friend you deserve;

I used to think I deserved one too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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