The winner

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*Sia PoV

"so I had a small chat with everyone and come to the conclusion that I'd like to go with Lou and say........Sia". What?? Did that just happen. I must be imagining things. Its like a dream come true only its s dream I never dreamt of. This feeling is do strange.
"Congratulations!!" Mia said while hugging me. I was struck unable to move. She shook me hard and I came out of my thoughts panting.
"is it true? Did I not imagine it?" I asked to none in particular but everyone said a loud Yes!
everyone was giving me hugs and congratulating me.
"welcome to our direction" the boys said. I thanked everyone.
Mia said her goodbyes. Since it was wrapped up. We arranged some chairs and sat for evening tea. Katy and Simon had left as they had some work. Harry, Marshall and Liam went to get snacks and drinks. I was chatting with Ed, I felt so lucky he's like an idol to me.

"But I can't explain how lucky I feel to be able to talk to you. Don't tell anyone but you're like a. Idol to me. I mean the first time I heard your voice in thinking out loud. I fell in love with it." I expressed.
"really, that's so sweet to hear. I love all my fans a lot. And I loved your voice when I first heard it. You chose the correct song it did made the impression." he replied.
We chatted some more. Mia joined us.
"We're back!!" Harry screamed.
"oh Thankgod i was hungry." Niall said.
They distributed the tea and chips and cookies around.
Marshall hugged my neck from behind and said "Look I got you a virgin mojito, your favorite. "
"aww thanks. How do remember so much about me? This tastes awesome."
"ahh, just got habitual I guess. And as if you don't remember a lot about everyone."
Louis looked at the boys questioningly.
"she doesn't take tea." Harry told him.
"I just don't like tea. And coffee is fine but I love mocktail and such more." I said.
"Who doesn't like tea? " Liam said with his eyebrows crunched up.
"me!! Can we just drop it."
"yeah. These cookies are so good. What flavor are these?" Niall said with his mouthful.
"seem like honey oat to me. " I said.
"but you didn't even eat them." Mia said.
"yeah but they smell so tasty. I could inhale them all day!"
"quite a strong nose you got." Louis said.
"um hmm I got strong senses. Better be careful with your food Niall." I winked at him.
Laughters erupted.
A phone started ringing.
"oh its mine. Sami can you please get it from my purse in that room?" Mia asked me. I nodded and went to get it. I searched for the phone. A pink iPhone was ringing and hubby flashed the screen. I was shocked! She's married! Oh no at such a young age.
I picked it up and gave it to her.
"oh hello look who it is?" she uttered in the phone and went somewhere for privacy.
"hey what happened? You look lost." Harry asked. I looked at him.
"it was her husband! Isn't she too young?" I replied. Niall's face dropped and everyone looked astonished.
"oops shocker!" Louis said. We glared at him.
"oh Nialler don't worry. Your girl would be perfect." liam patted Niall.
" Can she be pregnant?" louis said.
" shut up louis! That's none of our concerns. Niall here have some more cookies." I shouted at louis. He wasn't even thinking about Niall. He grew a liking for her.
"Guys you don't have to worry I'm fine. I wasn't even that much interested. She just has a beautiful voice and eyes. I'll be fine, I have you guys." he cheered on. They all patted his back.
Mia was back in another 10 mins.
"you're married?" Louis asked her. We were all giving him are you stupid looks.
"umm yeah we've been together since we were 10. Why do you ask all of a sudden?" she replied.
"oh I just was so surprised that I blurt out it was your hubby. I'm sorry. And louis was just having fun." I quickly said before louis opens his mouth.
"umm Sia can I borrow your phone. Mine's dead. I gotta call Simon and ask what next. Do you guys have his number?" Marshall asked. I handed him my phone.
"yeah here is the number." louis showed him his phone.
"Sia could you unlock it as well!"
"did you forget the passcode i told you?"
"its the same. Don't you change it at all!! Lazy ass". I glared at him. He quickly called.

We resumed our chat.

"can you hear what they are saying?" Louis interrupted.
"no I don't like to eavesdrop!" Harry said.
"ahh shh I'm trying!" I whispered and regretted my words.
I wasn't going to let them know I was listening from the starting.
"Not good!" liam said.
"umm no I was just trying when louis said it."
"leave it. what did you hear?" louis asked.
"something about sweets and make over and breakfast and gym."
"it must have been suite not sweets. And yeah he did say about the prep stuff. So nothing special." Niall said. We all nodded.
"shh he's coming." Ed said.
Marshall walked in and we were acting like someone cracked a very funny joke.
"so guys there is a lot to settle. So let's head to somewhere with more privacy. Thanks a lot Mr Ed sheeran for helping us choose. And thankyou Mia for joining us. You did pretty well." Marshall shook their hands.
He loaded the boys in the big car like morning. Mia was picked up by her husband. Ed also left.
"where are we going Marshall?" Liam asked.
"I frankly don't know. We could go to the hotel, to my place or to her place,Whats the safest place?"
"we can't take her to the hotel. We'd be busted and all the rumors plus not much seclusion possible if fans spot us." Harry said.
"Yeah and my place is really far and its kinda small and if someone spots us there we would have no escape. We can't talk in a restaurant as well. So Sia can we head your place plz?" Marshall asked.
"what no. One direction at my place the second time I meet them. Plus it would be a mess right now. I left early na."
"that's not that important. I don't think it matters if its clean. Its the most secluded spot. Anyone hardly comes out of their house. We don't even have Paul. Lads will you say something?"
"ya plz just agree. I don't wanna be mobbed right now." Louis said.
"what about the dinner?" Niall asked.
"we'll just cook something there." Marshall replied.
"why can't we drive thru Mc Donalds?" Harry asked.
"okay guys listen someone spotted me and louis Simon told me. So there are chances that paps or fans might be looking around and be alerted. And your safety falls on me. Sia please you gotta understand let me come or just get out and go by yourself. I'll talk to you separately." Marshall replied.
I could get a cab but that'll be rude. Okay I'd rather embarrass myself than risk mobbing.
"okay let's goto my place." I said with a sigh.
Everyone smiled. Well yes my house is in a very secluded neighborhood, most of the houses are empty and I doubt anybody will recognize them.
And I think I have some stuff for dinner.
Boys were talking about a song I didn't know of. While I was deep in thoughts.

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