tails doll...

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I went to GameStop to get the newest, most fun Sonic game ever rated. Sonic R!!! Strangely, no one had bought the game. It was all over the television, but no adds were on the windows of the shop. even more suprizingly, not one person was in the "New Releases" aisle. So, I got the first one and as I touched it, a strong, strange chill went coursing through my body. So, I payed, then went home to play Sonic R, but my brother was on the gamecube, playing Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. So, I went to the Wii, put my game disk in, heard a evil laughter, then the game went on normally. After a few days, I was close to finishing the game. I unlocked the Tails Doll, which I thought was pretty cool. So, I played tag mode. The last person I had to tag was Super Sonic. After I tagged him, I went off the game then got my book and MP3 to entertain myself. I read an old Sonic comic, while listening to "Can you feel the Sunshine?" all kinds of different ways. When I went backwards with the song, my MP3 died immediatly after. I felt a light, gentle touch with what seemed like a plush doll of some sort. I turned around to see nothing else but the Tails Doll. I jumped back with fear, rolled backwards over my bed unexpectedly, and knocked my head on my desk. I fainted for a long time, as that is what it seemed. I woke up in a dark, lonely place. I looked around, nothing was there. I double-looked, and the second time, I saw the Tails Doll. I crawled backwards, and it slowly followed me. I noticed something different about the Tails Doll. The gem wasn't red. It was a light shade of blue. I crawled torwards him, and his blue light flashed brighter and brighter the closer I came to him. When I was only a few inches away from him, his light was a tye-dye of green, white, and blue. He pounced on me and said "You aren't scared of me, are you? You.. You.. don't have to be afraid..." Then, I hesitated for awhile. The longer I didn't reply, the bluer his gem became. After awhile, I replied, "No. I am not scared of you.. Not one little bit.. Actually, you're kinda cute!" His gem immediatly turned green with joy, then he joyfully said, " YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Since you're not scared of me, can I stay with you? I.. I won't hurt any of you're family members.." I replied back "Sure.. You can stay with me.." After that, he teleported me back home, and we lived a long, happy life. After that, -------

I found this story in my clubhouse, in my backyard. It was on a piece of notebook paper, dated 10/29/10. I asked my family members and my neighbours if they wrote this. They all said no. So, I don't know the rest of the story, because only half of the paper was in the clubhouse. the ------ is where the story ended. Also, it was written in red, thick ink. The font was a pattern of capital, lowercase, capital, lowercase etc. Weird, huh? I dunno if the top is true, but this is. Also, on the back of the paper, was the words "Where is your god NOW?

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