chapter 8

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sorry for the wait... it's just that I'm having second thoughts and ...


we walked for long days and nights not stopping. it's like this guy knew where everything is he told us about every single unusual place and where he killed his first monster. this guy must be pretty old but he looks about my age! (if you didn't know you 20)

"how much longer!" dean groaned getting tired of the mans story's. "about 2 hours away." he eyed dean smiling at me going on. "what direction" I asked impatiently. "straight keep straight." I smiled laughing at his ignorance. dean and the man just looked at me as I stabbing him like it was normal. dean laughed now. "I love you y/n!" I eyed him smirking. "I know." we kept straight laughing and joking a lot. and for some reason... I began to love him. 

it's like dean had me under a spell. (he doesn't)

I stopped dean in his tracks smiling and I think dean got the idea. dean wrapped me in his arms kissing me and I kissed back this time. dean leaned against a tree and I ripped his short lff and he smirked. "hmm considering we are in purgatory." he said and I smiled sneakily. "well?" he smiled and didn't stop.

thoughts started rushing through my mind. (why isn't my squiggly letters working😭) 'Sam will find out! and castiel what about the real problem here instead of this!' I was getting a headache not even realizeing my shorts and shirt was off. I am in over my head. I slid them back on from my ankles and he whispered ,"what are you doing?" I pulled away and put my short back on tossing him his. "we are forgetting everything." dean was confused. I pulled him along. "sams gone and Castiel is probably in here or somewhere else looking for us after he gets a phone call from a MYSTERY PERSON!" I began to yell and dean calmed me. 

"I get it you wanna focus on the problem and you have a crush on MY guardian and MY little brother but I'm not good enough." dean walked ahead. 'SERIOUSLY!' I mentally yelled. "dean wait it is not like that!" I yelled running after him but he gpbegan running leaving me behind and I tripped. I got up and sat like a lost puppy with hair in my face as things started surrounding me. I curled up alone and waited for the torture.

deans PoV

did I seriously leave her?! why did I get so mad! oh well she will catch up in a few seconds I will wait for her at the portal and apoligized and everything will be just like it was! then we can swoop in save the day then carry on with our love life. I stood against a tree by the portal waiting when I heard a ear splitting girl scream. "Y/n!" I screamed running straight back.

your PoV

the monsters surround me scratching and clawing me and breaking my clothes then got my skin. some monsters dodged for my legs and I chopped many of them but there were to many. they got me. clawing into bits I screamed. I saw something slicing through heads one one side I was laying down bleeding out half dazed. something was... blasting the monsters?! on two side I saw black and white magic hitting the monsters and on one side was a normal blade. "help.." I whispered/whimpered before I passed out of blood loss.


that's all I was seeing. I saw nothing. guess I'm going to hell cause I see no light. makes sense though. I have nothing but let everybody down. I didn't win against gadreel I couldn't save gabe deans gone Sam disappeared and castiel... well I'm sure he will go along perfect.

castiels PoV

I saw as dean looked at Sam and I with a very disturbing look as my eyes gleamed teal blue and shined unusually. sams eyes shone black. we burst through all the monsters and got to half dead y/n. "oh no..." Sam said flashing his normal dewy brown eyes. I did the same going to my normal blue eyes. dean snapped out his disturbed trance and Sam and dean carried her to the portal jumping through along with me.

8 disturbing hours later

your PoV

"demon blood?! sammy why?!" dean yelled angrily and I slowly opened my eyes. pain shot through me like a knife to the gut. I screeched and groaned and they all went to me. Castiel touched my forehead and I felt nothing but warmth then relief. I got up smiling. "I see you are all normal again." dean looked like he hadn't sleeper in days and was very mad. Sam looked normal except his anger and castiel looked agitated. my smile slipped away. "what's going on." I whimpered. "Sam is on demon blood!" dean said obviously angry. I frowned and Sam blinked and revealed black eyes. "holy wa—" "already tried that." dean cut me off. Sam blinked his demon eyes away. i curled in a ball.

everyone stared at me angrily as if it was my fault. I looked bored but on the inside I was crying. Castiel must have got the hint cause he came over and cuddled me. "don't touch my property." deans stated staring at Castiel. I'm no ones property! "she isn't you property." Castiel took my thought. dean smiled shakily. "y/n tell them about purgatory." dean got up and went in the kitchen when Sam followed  him yelling. "y/n." Castiel saw the images in your mind. I quickly got up I saw a worried/angry Castiel and two brother fighting about me and sams demon blood. I screamed drawing everyone attention but as they ran to me I sprinted outside as fast as I could not turning back not once as they all screamed my name.

I'm sick of it.

sick of it all.

member what I said about romance up there. haha of you didn't get it all ready SIKE. XD

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