Into the World of the Reapers

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    "Hello, I am one of the Elders of the Reapers world. My name is not important right now. I'm here to tell you about our world.

      Everyone has heard of the Grim Reaper, but what many don't know is that every town and city, big or small, has its own Reaper or Reapers. What is also unknown to many is that Reapers are not skeletons wearing black cloaks. Reapers look like any normal human excepted while working or if they are in the Reaper world.  At that point their hair will change color and they will get wings. Because of our wings we have been called many things; Angels, Demons, Fallon angels, and even Fairies. Reapers do not get there wings until they have at lest reached 100 years of age....well that was the normal for most. Before they get their wings they go through years of training. Once their wings have come in they go through more training to see ware they will be placed, to the human world to take care of ghosts or to stay in the Reapers world.

    Now about the scythe. Not all Reapers use one. They are allowed to pick their own weapon to do their jobs. Even Reapers that are not in the human world have a weapon. You never know what will happen in our world. We have to keep the monsters in our world in check some how.

    Reapers do not kill humans. What we do is take those who have died and have not been able to move on to where they belong. But they also protect the humans from Evil spirits, ghost, that have been in the human world to long. There different levels of evil spirits, ranked 1-5. Reapers in training are sent to the human world with a partner. Most partners are animals from the Reapers world so they are not normal.

     Level 1-2 are the ones that haunt homes but don't hurt anyone. Reapers in training are to be able to take care of these alone.

    Level 3 are the ones that haunt homes but do try to hurt people, better known as poltergeists. The partners are to help the young Reapers if they need it.

    Level 4 are the ones that are around town or city that try to get people to kill themselves. The partners are to help the young Reapers but if they have trouble are to call for a more experienced Reaper for help. 

   Level 5 are the ones that are close to turning into Demons and the young Reapers are to call for an older Reaper right away no matter what.

     This is about it but I'm sure to tell you more if I remember"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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