Author's Note

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-Author's Note-

The idea for this one shot is not entirely my own. I was reading this other Sevmione fanfic called Transcendent Qualities of Remembrance by Subversa on and got inspired. This also made me think of 50 First Dates, which I have seen who knows how many times.

I'd also like to apologize in advance if I got some of the HP information wrong. It's been months since I've watched the entire series and even longer since I've read the books. After discovering my love for Sevmione I was dying to write a fanfic about them, and couldn't wait to read the books and make sure everything was correct.

Lastly, I started writing this one shot before Alan Rickman passed away, so I'd like to make this one shot a tribute to him. I grew up watching Alan Rickman as Professor Snape and will find the world a little darker now that both Snape and the actor who brought him to life are gone. But, as Sydney Carton says in A Tale of Two Cities the Musical, "There can be no farewells. We shall meet where the weary find peace."

I raise my wand for Alan Rickman.

Alan Rickman 1946-2016

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