Chapter 1

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It was the beginning of January. A cold wind bit at the cheeks of a small girl, tears freezing as they slid down her face. She slowly walked down the sidewalk away from her school. Suddenly, the she sensed someone watching her. She turned around to look for the source of the feeling and began running. She crossed into the woods, a shortcut to her house, her feet slapped the ground loudly. The girl was still twenty minutes from home. Panic and adrenaline pulsed through her body.

She whirled around and saw that her worst fear was steadily catching up to her. Gaining speed she continued to sprint, almost fly, over the rundown path that cut through the forest. Leafless branches snatched at her clothes and scratched her face and arms as she left the exposure of the path. Out of nowhere, she tripped on a rock and the monsters from her nightmares finally caught up with her.

"Look at the little worm crawling on the ground where she belongs. What do you you want to bet this is where her dad killed her mom?"

A tall, dirty blonde girl laughed and tossed her hair as she looked down at the girl struggling to get up while collecting her fallen papers and books which were now wet from the snow. The girl attempted to hide her tears before other girls could notice and ridicule her more for the effect they had on her fragile self.

"Definitely. Did you hear what they say about her father..." Another girl with platinum blonde curls whispered to Julie.

"Rachel, Julie, we have to go. The mall. Shopping." A smaller girl with sleek, black hair said impatiently, not looking at Finn. With their attention diverted to the black-haired girl, Finn took the opportunity to get up from the ground.

Julie caught sight of Finn from the corner of her eye and giggled to the other girls "Amy's right. But first, we should show Finn how much we love her." She pushed Finn into a snow drift and kicked her in the gut. Finn whimpered. Rachel came next and took a running start as she attempted to punt her head which Finn quickly covered with her arms. Amy walked over and gently tapped Finn's leg with her toe.

"Can we go now?" Amy said impatiently.

The trio of Barbie-like girls left Finn in the dirt and began to walk back to the main path with Julie and Rachel laughing loudly and shouting out insults over their shoulders. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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