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Arecna: *enters on a room singing* " it's Christian's guitar~"

*A spider is on the floor*

Arecna: *sees the spider* "Woah!"

Spider: "holi?"

Arecna: "it's a big one, OK I got it OK sight just need something to kill it, almost...." *she bends down and pick a shoe from the floor* "....Aha!!!"

*spider's gone from sight*

Arecna: "OMG! Were is it! Were did it go!" *looks around*

Aizen: *appears* "look at your shirt"

Arecna: *looks at shirt*

Spider: *on shirt* "holiwis"

Arecna: "aaaaahhh!!!" *takes shirt off and runs around*

Aizen: "idiot"

Arecna RandomnessWhere stories live. Discover now