Count the dead

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203 people killed that day.

203 people, including Dean Winchester... The love of my life Dean Winchester. The sandy haired, green eyed, jock, stubborn Dean Winchester. My Dean Winchester.

14 days later, they hardly held a trial. Life in Prison, all three of us. We got here two days ago and every one knows who we are. They sent us to an adult prison because of the Adolescent Prison was full. Now, I'll spend the rest of my years alone.

My cell mate, ironically is Lucifer. God knows why he is in here but he said something about drug  cartel and prostitution. I can't bother myself to care.

***********Lucifer's P.O.V.**********

I look at Castiel, my poor little smushy is so sad. I have tried talking to him but he is falling apart. Sam is across from us two cells down and every night I can hear him crying in his sleep.

I pull my knees up to my chest and pout my lips sternly while i stare at Cas. He looks up at me suddenly and snaps "whaddu you want Luci? If you want me to talk about it I don't know what to say because it should have been me who died! not him!" he trails off as tears pour from his eyes. "it should have been me..."

He climbs into his bed and presses his face into his pillow.

His crying trails off, I assume he has fallen asleep so I pop my head up at the top bunk. I gasp. Castiel is carving Deans name, over, and over into the wall. His fingers are bleeding a bit.

I run to the cell door and call for a guard. "guard, gUArD GUARD PLEASE SOMEBODY"

A guard saunters over and behind his back I see Sam, all pink puffy eyes, and Gabe looking out of their cell in concern. "what is it Lucifer?" The guard looks over my shoulder and sees Cas, his legs swung over the side of the bed and his fingers are bleeding. He is staring emptily at the  floor.

The guard scowls. "Isn't that one of the kids who killed pretty much a whole highschool full of people?" he asks me. I nod quickly "Please just help him! The guard laughs and smirks at him. "Yea right! My niece got killed that day. That kid deserves death, so does that other guy... whats his name? He died on the scene. Don...? Dean! Dean Winchester that's it. Shame too, I knew his dad, great guy-

Cas sprung down from the bed and was at the cold metal bars of the door within seconds. He grasped the guard through the bars and slammed him into the cold metal. " Talk all the shit you want about me. Fuck, throw me in a room made of blenders for all I care. But don't EVER insult Dean Winchester, or say he should have died around me!"

Cas shoved the guard out and slammed him against the bars again, face first. There was a sickening crunch from the mans nose and it instantly started bleeding. Cas dropped him to the floor and Hopped back on the bed.

I look from the unconscious guard  to Cas, and realize that Castiel is going to become the baddest boy in prison, because Dean's death changed him.

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