New Years' Resolution

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So it begins that I was planning to list out the New Years Resolution, but I can't wait to get a head start anytime soon so here is the list.

1. Never cheat
2. Let go of what is in your life
3. Meet new goals
4. Make memories
5. Meet new people
6. Make friends
7. Bond
8. Achieve
9. Other

But I don't know what I would do next, so at first, I went back to Asgard to see my cousin Tyler Davis. Well he had made friends in Asgard because I knew I was talking to him since class time as well. So I retired from ROTC but I have been expecting a comeback by one of my friends who stayed there and told me to come back. Sighs, well not sure what I would do.

Then something had caught my attention, what have I been doing as a Hiddlestoner? I haven't heard of Serge Ibaka, well in that case he is arriving from Congo to United States of America as well that's where I'm staying.

I realized staying in Svartalfheim was the scariest in this world because I knew Malakeith would sense me sneaking out but I noticed that he would take me for sure. But I tried not to be visible as much as possible so I decided to get back to Jötunheim before I get founded.

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