Shoulder anatomieeeees

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Hellooooo people of Wattpad!

How ya doing?

Okay so you guys have probably noticed I haven't been updating as much recently... I wonder why?...

Oh that's right! school -_-

I have just started advanced art classes and guess what we're focusing on for months? That's right - realism. It's one of those topics that I have no particular interest in - at all.

So, we're starting with shoulder anatomy - yay!

I would much rather take an ANIME DRAWING CLASS OMG HEAVEN IS THAT YOU??? but you can't get everything you want in life so I'm stuck with realism xD

But anyways I'm gonna be posting our weekly assignments (when they're done), and I guess this is the first one:)

Anyways... Sorry for not posting recently, I hope you have an awesome week, don't forget to comment and vote, and I love you guys!!!

Peace out👽✌🏻💖

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