Chapter 5

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"So how did you like last night?" Sean asked me in Italian. I turned around. "I loved it. I can't believe I spoke Italian and I'm in Italian right now," I laughed. "Did you want to hang out again?" His tone was gorgeous. 

"Of course," I answered. "How about tonight?" "Sure." "Did you want to come over to my place, we could run a movie, a little dinner..." "That sounds nice. Thanks. Wow, you can cook?" I chuckled sarcastically. "I can cook but only pasta, soup... If you want something fancier, I could always use magic to pop up a fancy dinner." 

I giggled lightly covering my mouth. "You are funny," I pointed out. "Sean, what about your roommate?" "Finn said he's sleeping at Archie's place tonight. They invited me but I had too much homework to do." "So you would rather hang out with me instead of your best friend?" I put my hands on my hips. 

"I guess so. Finn is just... loud. You know?" "Trust me, I know. I had to sleep in the same bed with Nina, my sister till I was 15. It was a night mare." He laughed back. 

The bell rang. "So, I will meet you at your place at 7:30?" "7:30 it is," he replied. I walked off. "Wait, Forest," Sean calls me. I turn back around. "Yeah Sean?" "Where do you sit at lunch?" "Follow me," I led him to the elevator. 

I pressed the level 4 button. We were the only ones in the elevator. "Where are we going?" He asked me. "I have lunch in my room. Diana and I are not on speaking terms." "Oh." "Instead of going in my room, did you want to go somewhere else around the school?"

"Like where?" "Like the swimming pool?" "I don't think we can go swimming. We are allowed to but its going to take time drying ourselves and that." "Yeah, good point maybe we can do that another day." "Did you want to watch a show in my room?" I asked him. "Sure." 

We walked in my room. "Wow, your room's beautiful." "Thanks. Make yourself a home," I pointed at the couch. He sat down. I went to the kitchen opening the fridge. 

"Would you like anything to eat or something?" I asked Sean. "What do you have?" "I can make sandwiches, pasta..." "I will just have a sandwich, it's easier," he replied. "Okay. What do you want in it?" "Just ham and cheese," he smiled. "Okay." 

I made his sandwich. I also made mine with salami and ham. I didn't like cheese. I walked to sit down next to Sean on the couch. I gave him his plate. He finished it in about a minute, so did I. 

We talked and talked until it was time to go to class. "What do you have now?" Sean asked me politely. "Oh, I have Art. What about you?" "That's so funny, me too." "Let's go." 

We slowly marched to the elevator. We went up to where the art rooms are. 

We ambled to the art room. As we got inside, there was purple walls with green desks. It looked amazing. Diana was sitting across the room by herself. I sat next to Sean. 

It was 7:30. I walked down to Sean's room. I knocked on his door. A second later, he opened it. "Come on in," he opens the door even wider. I wandered in. "It smells so good," I smiled. "I made dinner." "Sure smell good, are you sure your not a chef?" Then he laughed.

"Sorry if it's a mess, I understand if you wanna go somewhere else," Sean muttered. "No, it's fine." "I have a messy roommate. He never cleans up after himself." "I know the feeling." "So, did you want to watch a movie?"  "Sure." 

He brought a bunch of DVD's on the coffee table; about 7. He dawdled back to the kitchen. "Choose which one. Whatever you want," Sean beamed. I looked at the DVD'S. 

There was Dirty Dancing, Warm Bodies, Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1, Just Friends, The Other Woman, Twilight New Moon and Dolphin Tale. I decided to choose Warm Bodies. I loved that movie. I read the book aswell. 

"How about Warm Bodies?" I asked Sean. "Yeah, I've always loved that movie," he replied. He put the movie DVD in the DVD player. A minute later, the movie started. Sean walked back into his kitchen. "Dinner's ready," he smiled. 

He brought our plates of dinner. "I made pasta with a really rich tomato sauce finished with some parmesan." "Wow, it looks amazing." We watched the movie while eating our pasta. The food was so nice. 

During the movie, we had a conversation. "So, do you have a boyfriend?" Sean asked me out of nowhere. Why would he ask me that question? "Nope. Of course not. Why would I go on a date with you then? What about you?" "I don't have a girlfriend." 

I tried to change the subject. "So, umm dinner was delicious tonight," I half-smiled. "Gee thanks. I hope you come again sometime." "Yeah, me too," I stood up from the couch. "Are you leaving?" HE asked me. "It's getting pretty late. It's 10. And your roommate will be back soon anyway." 

"No, remember I told you Finn's sleeping over at Archie's." "Oh yeah." "Please stay longer. I hate to be alone," he frowned. It reminded me of a puppy dog frown. "Sure. Why not." "What would you like to do now? Do you want some dessert?"

"Sure." I wasn't tired at all. "I have ice cream." "What flavours?" "Chocolate, strawberry, cookies and cream." "I'll have cookies and cream," I smiled. "Me too," he agreed. 

He came back and sat next to me. I took a bite of my ice cream. Cookies and cream were always my favourite flavour. Forever and Always. 

It was 10:40. "Would you like some champagne?" Sean asked me. I didn't know what to say. "Sure. I'll have a little bit." 

He brought the bottle aswell. I had a sip of my champagne. After that, I couldn't stop. I kept on drinking.

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