Chapter 6

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"Are you sure we should be out here? It's really late." Elaine whined, pulling the hood of her cloak off and continuing to follow Bethany. Somehow, the girl felt a sense of happiness and belonging through all her protests and pouts.

"Oh come on, it's fine."  They passed through a garden and then down a few steps. Their shoes clacked through the eerie, blue-hazed night. "I come down here all the time." Bethany reassured, which was replied with a doubting look from the other.

The two came across an entrance that lead into the forest, and while Bethany continued toward it, Elaine came to a halt.

"We're going in there?" Her eyebrows furrowed together.

"Yeah, pretty much." Bethany shrugged.

"But it's just the woods."

"Well, not necessarily." Elaine was getting sceptical, but with a sigh, she gave in. She couldn't handle see the other girl upset because she didn't want to go with her; it seemed very important that Elaine actually wanted to spend time with Bethany. And in a sense, she truly did.

"You're lucky I like you so much." She muttered, a blush spread across her face.

"What was that?" Bethany looked back with an innocent smile. One that when met with Elaine, made the girl abruptly look away. "Nothing!" Bethany couldn't help but laugh at the girl's embarrassment.

Looking down, Elaine noticed Bethany's gloved hand, lax and eased by the woman's side. The sudden urge to hold it came upon Elaine. Her own hand then unconsciously moved close to it. Though before they touched something clicked in Elaine's mind and she quickly brought it back, clutching on to her dress. She was surprised she had even attempted to do something like that. What on earth came over her..?

Soon her thoughts were interrupted as they reached their destination.

There was a picnic basket nestled on a little, blue blanket placed on the grass. In front of the array was a lake; moonlight shinning over the calm water. The oasis seemed to be secluded from the rest of the world, the dark forest surrounding it.

"Wow" Elaine whispered.

Rapping her arm around Elaine's shoulder, Bethany pulled her close and laughed. "Yeah, I knew you'd like it." The two quickly glanced and each other, smiles on their faces.

The evening went just perfectly for them: Ate a wonderful meal. Talked and laughed with Bethany resting her head on Elaine's lap. Happily ballroom danced in the grass. Tried to find small animals in the lake, and each attempted to push the other in the water. 

Laying in the grass hours later, the two were staring at the sky with the full moon beaming back at them. Their bodies were incredibly close: hips brushing at any slight movement, hair tangled, skulls leaning on one another, thin summer dresses exposing skin. The cool grass caressing them in the warm air.

"So you really think Lady Natalie had an affair? I mean--Ah!" Elaine's sentence was cut short with a quiet gasp. She felt a warm hand begin to creep up her thigh, and in response her head turned to Bethany. What she saw was surprising. Bethany was only inches from her, her eyes half-lidded, but that didn't hide the glint in them. The hand stroked and petted for a moment before Elaine gasped again and sat up; her heart beating rapidly.

"I-I think we should get going." She got up without looking at Bethany and picked up the basket.

"Um, here I'll take this and you can take the blanket."

Propping herself up with her elbows, Bethany was a little disappointed. "Yeah, sure. Thanks."

She watched the girl quickly walk away and down the path. "I was so close." Sighing she stood up and shook her head.

Happenstance At Last (18th Century, GirlXGirl)Where stories live. Discover now