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Dear Diary,
Hello young reader. This is my diary. For my class assignment we will be describing how our day went. It is my pleasure to tell you all about my day and how I love our government. Ah. Who am I kidding. Our government's despised by everyone. I don't even like our town at all. Everything is so... Perfect. Bleh. I mean like, I wish we had like a paintball arena or at least a laser tag center. I saw does on the ILLEGAL TOYS TO COLLECT handbook. Yeah, that's right.

We have handbooks on something so little, yet so big! Anyway, my name's Angel Anie, though everyone calls me Angel. Yeah. I know what you're thinking. 'Oh. Her name starts with an A. She most have been an OCD person since it's the first letter.' Actually, our whole village has everyone named by the letter A. It seems like a good idea until you start getting to the ninety-seventh person who has to be called Aniguila. I was really lucky along with my best friend, Annemarie.

Although my other best friend Akila, wasn't so lucky. The bad part is that we are also called by our rank. Children like us start start at zero and have to gain rep to move up rank. Moving up the rank provides a better guarantee of a good life. You can start getting rep at age sixteen. I am at fifteen. So close.

Its pretty hard to move up rank because if you gain one rep, your rank turns to 0.01! It takes forever. Luckily, we have forever to get until rank one hundred. When you get to one hundred you are allowed to move on to the next world. By next world, I don't mean dying. No way. That'd be way too easy. There are also one hundred worlds. Then after that, you can finally die. What a relief. Although the there is one little problem.

Our great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother is still alive. Our great great great great great great- Ah you get! -grandfather is already dead though. I can't wait until I die so that I can have no more responsibility. So yeah.

Anyway, the first world is called Hartford where most of us live. Once you leave Hartford then, you have to move to Kinnings. So anyway, on with the story. So we have these necklaces with a symbol that is a memory of the old world. I got the Eiffel Tower which is from a city named Paris, I think. They called it the city of love. Although I don't know what love it.

Oh! Another things, we can never control our emotions. Well, that's what everybody says. I don't know about me. I just go along with the rest of the group. Second, we cannot lie. The Creators want us to be perfect in every single way. They were just so very picky. Like, we have to be at school by six o' clock. Period. Nothing like six o' one. Or five o' fifty-nine.

No. Exceptions. No. Matter. What. I really hate school, but everyone says it's awesome. I can't tell what anything is anymore. I just can't stand it anymore. Is there anyone out there that can hear me? I really don't like this world.
- Angel

I look up from my diary, just as the first bell rings. Our teacher, Miss Anderson, stands up from her desk without a single wrinkle on her perfect white skirt or on her black silk blouse. Surprisingly, her blond hair has not been ruffled by the slight wind, because it is perfectly straight and reaches just below her shoulder.

I look around and settle my eyes on a boy with ink black hair. I sigh and start daydreaming. Suddenly, he turns around, showing piercing blue eyes, just like mine. I quickly avert my eyes down toward my journal. I doodle around the edges of my notebook and suddenly notice that I am writing one word over and over. Benji, Benji. My eyes widen at the sight and I quickly erase the word.

"Okay class, thank you for writing in your journals quietly. Now hurry on to your next class." Miss Anderson states robotically. I stand up with the other students, and straighten my shining gold tie along with my white blouse and leather black jacket. I dust off any stray dust bunnies from my dark blue skinny jeans and flick off a small ant that has found its way onto my black combat boots. I shake my foot in a way to get the ant off.

I grab my messenger bag and sling it over my shoulder, where it bundles up my chocolate brown way hair. I put a hand under my hair and bring it up, causing me a tickle of pain. I sashay out of the classroom and go meet my friend at her locker. "Hey Alessa!"

A girl with ink black curly hair turns around. She flashes me a blinding smile and responds, "Sup Angel." We both stare awkwardly at the floor, trying to find something to talk about. "So... Are you going to Allison's party?" Alessa grimaces and says, "Uh actually, yeah. Anyway, have you heard about he new girl?"

"Yeah. I heard her name's Alexis." Alessa nervously fiddles with her beige sweater dress and stares at her black leather buckle boots. I give a sympathetic look, since Alexis was the name of her little sister that was kidnapped a while back. Her family hasn't heard from her at all.

"Hallo!" A girl with short straight strawberry-blond hair walks up toward us. Her flowery long sleeve flows with the air container on alongside with a a lace white skirt. Black lace flats peek out from beneath the skirt. "Hey..." My voice trails off as a flash of light blinds me.

"Amanda!! Don't take yearbook pictures right now. You're gonna make us late for our next class!" I cry. Then it clicks. I look around me and find little students wandering. "Oh no. Oh no! OH NO!! WE'RE LATE FOR CLASS!!" All three of us run in different directions.

I dash toward a small room in a subdivision snd throw open the door. The teacher stands in front of me, back turned and telling the class something 'important'. I sneak around her and set my bag down on a desk in the dark corner near a drape. I pull the drape close around my desk.

BEEEEEEEEP- BEEEEEEEEP!!!!! The fire alarm goes crazy and water sprinkles from the ceiling. Shouts go out from every corner of the room. Everybody forms a perfect line and marches outside the door, while I'm drowning by two sprinklers that are aimed right at my face.

I stand up and tiptoe through the turned over desks. Suddenly, I slip and fall flat on my face. I pick myself up and regain my balance. Quickly, I walk toward the door and finally make it out. I trudge over to the fire escape door. I swing it open and light floods into the building. Murmurs sound all around me and I regain my sight.

Confused faces of different children stare at me. Just smile, A. Just smile. I listen to my thoughts and give a wavering smile. I hear someone clearing their throat and I turn to see the headmistress making her way over here. Uh-oh!
                                                       - - - - -
I walk out of the office just as an announcement comes from the intercom. "Ladies and gentlemen, please make your way to the gymnasium. Thank you." There it goes. My dreaded fear. I head to the gym just as my class enters. How they made it here that fast, is clueless.

I go to the back of the line and sit down on the line of chairs. I relax my back and lean back. A finger pokes me on my shoulder and I turn around only to face the headmistress, again. She points to a chair in the far corner of the huge room. I let out a groan and travel to the back of the room.

A voice echoes throughout the room, just as I sit down. "Thank you all for coming. It is a tradition to recognize our undisciplined students and the ones who are going to be Gone." Wait... hold up. She never said anything about getting Gone. "As you can tell we have found a flaw in our schools and we shan't have flaws. Now, Angel Ali, please stand from the seat of shame." The headmistress finishes.

Confused, I stand up. Gasps arise around me and I fight the urge to run out of the room. I can feel my the heat radiating from my flushed face. "Angel Ali," everybody turns towards me, "you are Gone from this point forward."

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