im so obsessed with mcr that now even my mom knows the names of the band members

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I was tagged by the wonderful heckakawaii

Kool rules

1. You have to post all of these rules so people can't avoid the tag.

2. You've got to tag 13 homies.

3. You have to list 13 facts about yourself.

4. You answer the 13 questions I give you. After that, you give 13 questions for the next people.

5. You can't ditch by saying you dont to any tags, or Crowley will smell your feet at midnight. (I don't even know.)

6. You can tag people back.

7. If you don't do the tag within a week, you have to do something for the person that tagged you.

8. Be creative when naming the chapter; "i got tagged !!!!1" is not okay. I won't be okay. GERARD WONT BE OKAY

9. It has to be posted in a book, not the comments.

Happy Tagging!

Rad facts about myself

1. My name is Jasmine but you can call me Jamie

2. Im gayyyyyyyyy

3. I play a guitar extremely shittly

4. I like the word apathy because it describes my general emotion most of the time

5. I believe in aliens more then i believe in myself

6. I am mexican and filipino

7. I am trashtrashtrash

8. Once i was watching a x-men movie in theaters when i was a child and there was a scene when a dude names the juggernaut (???spelling???) bursted out of a wall and screamed im the juggernaut bitch and i got up and screamed that too.

9. I like to surf but i cant skateboard,,,?????

10. 7 is my lucky number

11. I live in both San Francisco and Berkely Ca depending on the day and im a hipster/punk and im like how did this happen??? But if you ever have any questions about this place idk ask me about it

12. My room is a mess and i try to clean it but just stuff things back into the drawers

13. Im scared to go out in public

Questions That Require Answering

1. Planet Earth has been invaded. Who are three people that you choose to run away with.

My cousin (lets say her name is Jane) because shes been my best friend ever since i was like 3, my other best friend (lets say her name is Aliya) because shes wonderful and i probably couldnt live without her. Lastly Frank Iero because my fave,,,???

2. If you could be morphed into any animal what would it be?

A dog because they are always so happy and i wanna be like that. Alternatively I'd be a frog, specifically pepe the frog.

3. Whats your favorite shirt pattern?

Probably plaid in any color.

4. Favorite book?

Im always a slut for the Harry Potter series but if i had to choose something else it would probably be the last book i read, Battle Royale.

5. Would you rather have to stop going on the internet or never be able to listen to music again.

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