The Visitor

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Now before I begin, there may be some parts that may sound like it's totally impossible so hopefully you guys can overlook those parts and still enjoy this story. Also, for those of you that have not read my Can I? trilogy, you may not understand whats going on. So if you want to know what everything's talking about, you should read Can I? and How Could I? 

Happy Reading


"Recognize, Robin, B01."

Dick walked into the mountain, looked around, then walked toward the sound he heard. He saw the team, minus Kaldur, sitting in the common room watching some kind of movie. He walked up right behind Wally and just stood there watching the movie. After he figured out what it was, he had to keep himself from laughing. "High School Musical? Really? Couldn't you guys find anything better to watch?"

Wally jumped and tried to turn to look at Dick, but only managed to fall off the couch. "Rob?" he asked surprised as he stood up.

The others just turned and looked at him also surprised. "What are you doing here?" Artemis asked.

"Nice to see you guys, too," Dick said sarcastically.

"She didn't mean it like that," M'gann tried to explain. "It's just, we wasn't expecting to see you here."

"I know. It's ok. I need your help."

"Dude, you know we will," Wally said.

"Yeah, what you need?" Artemis asked.

"Well, I overheard Bruce talking with Commissioner Gordon and I don't think the Child Protective Services is going to let Bruce readopt me."

"So you need us to help you convince someone?" Wally sped over to him and placed an arm around his shoulders. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well, I was hoping you guys would be able to help me with that."

Artemis stood up, walked around the couch, and pulled up the computer. "Ok, who are we targeting?"

"I don't know. I never heard a name or whether it was a guy or girl."

"Ok," Artemis replied, "then we need to figure that out."

"We could call Commissioner Gordon or the CPS and ask who it was," Dick suggested.

"Yeah, but how will we get them to tell us? I'm sure they don't just give out their names," Wally asked.

Dick reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. "Well, Bruce has been working on this."

Everyone looked at the box in his hand. "What is it?" M'gann asked.

Dick put it up to his mouth. "It's a voice changer," he said in Bruce's voice.

Everyone was amazed. Artemis took it from Dick. "It's perfect. We'll make one of us sound like Commissioner Gordon and have them ask about our target." She then found the CPS internet site and dialed the number on her cell phone. "Hi, this is Commissioner Gordon," Artemis said using the box to sound like Gordon. "I was wondering if you could give me the name of the person working on Dick Grayson's case... No, I would just like the name please... Ok, thank you. Goodbye." She then hung up and typed in the name of the person on the computer.

"Shirley Sanders?" Wally asked looking at the screen.

"I'm gonna need your hacking skills, Dick," Artemis said turning to Dick.

"Well, I can't use this arm, but I can try." Dick stepped up to the halo keyboard. His one good hand flew over the keyboard and he stepped back. "You're in."

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