In Time

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It might never be the same again
But at least I know to myself
That once in my life you came
You brought color to my heart and mind

But things happened unexpectedly
You don't know when or how
That sometimes people around you
Will left you and will be gone

It might be your last chance
We don't know how long
We are going to give out
Our last loving breath

I wish you were still here
Guiding me and reminding me
But then, you're not here
Not everywhere but up

Someday I'll be fine
Now that you're gone
These pain and sadness I've felt
Within my precious little heart

These will leave me in time
I'll learn this soon, and
I'll accept it all in time
But for now, I don't know how

When words speak (Poems)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon