The Egotistical Turnabout, Part 2 (Chrysalis)

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//May 16, 2022. Courthouse Entrance, 1:52 PM//

"What do you mean we can't leave?!" I roared at the guard, attempting to seem tough despite being so tiny. 

I turned to my brother, waiting for him to give his response. At that time, he had a gray hoodie on with jeans and blue hooded vest over the top. He had black and white sneakers on then, too. "I don't see much choice here, Chrysalis," Cotoli frowned. "Come on. Let's go see what this is about."

I huffed angrily and looked down at the ground. My current ensemble consisted of black ballet flats over tall white socks. I also had on an aqua and black plaid skirt with a black jacket tied around my waist. I wore a gray shirt with an aqua tie over the top as well. "This stinks!" I pouted, starting to peel at the Band aid on my chin (I had another one on my nose, but it wasn't trying to come off, so I left it alone). 

Cotoli ruffled my hair, which was up in a ponytail with a braid hanging down on the right side of my head. "Come on. Let's go check out what happened."

"They usually don't let anybody leave a place if a disaster took place, and they would tell us if it was the weather being stupid," I deduced. "It must be a crime of some sorts! Man, I've always wanted to solve a crime! This is so cool! Plus, it's great practice for you since you're working to become a lawyer!"

//May 16, 2022. Courthouse Corridor, 2:12 PM//

"W-what?! You're arresting me?! Seriously?!

"You think we're kidding, miss?

"But it wasn't-!!"

"That's what they all say. Now come along..."

It was hard to miss the argument coming from a hallway nearby. I shot Cotoli a confused glance. As if telepathically, we both broke out into sprints to investigate what was wrong.

We soon who was arguing. It was a girl who was being handcuffed by an officer. She pulled violently in an attempt to escape the man. "L-let me go-! It wasn't me-!! she cried, her eyes filling with glittery tears. 

"What's going on here? Cotoli demanded, crossing his arms with a frown. 

"Help me! I didn't do it! Somebody else-" the girl tried to begin, a few tears dampening her cheeks.

"Just come along now," the officer instructed, trying to yank the girl the other way. 

"Could you please tell us what happened?" I asked. "I'm kind of lost..."

"About thirty minutes ago, two corpses were fund. They belonged to Tora Yin and Jay Yang," the officer began.

"Hey! Weren't they the prosecution and defense on trial we just watched, Cotoli?" I asked my brought. He nodded in reply. 

"Both had been stabbed to death with the murder weapon from the trial they had been working on: the murder of May Lin," the officer continued. "This girl here was found unconscious near the bodies, so we arrested her, though she won't come quietly."

"That's because I didn't do it! I'm being framed! Honest!" the girl exclaimed. She seemed kind of familiar...

"You're the witness from the victims' trial!" I realized with a gasp. "Sara Lin... Right? The daughter of the victim?"

The girl halted her struggle to escape so that she could nod my direction. "Yeah..." she said. "But that doesn't mean I killed Prosecutor Yin or Mr. Yang!!"

"What do the police think the motive is?" Cotoli asked the officer. "There has to be a reasonable motive in order for you to want to take her into detention."

"Because she claimed the defendant was guilty in the victims' trial, we think it was a fit of anger that got her in the mindset to kill because the one she thought to be her mother's murderer got off the hook," the officer replied.

"Could we maybe investigate the crime? I asked. "I mean, he is a lawyer!" I said the next two words so quietly that even I had trouble hearing them. "In training..."

"Knock yourselves out, in that case," the officer shrugged, walking away. He left Sara with us, most likely so we could question her about the crime.

"Sara?" Cotoli began, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. Knowing what he wanted, I cut him off.

"Could you please tell us a little bit about the crime? We'll need some background information if we're going to prove your innocence," I told her.

"You'd... You'd really help me...?" Sara asked, her face brightening 5111%.

"Of course! Innocent until proven guilty, right?" I smiled, wrapping an arm around Sara's shoulders. She grinned at me, though there appeared to be sadness hiding deep beneath her sweet gaze. Witnessing a murder and being arrested for a duo of others shortly after must be hard on her... She doesn't look more than five years older than me, after all...

"Thanks... But just who are you two?" Sara asked curiously.

"Oops. I suppose we forgot to introduce ourselves," I realized. "I'm Chrysalis Starr, and this is my older brother, Cotoli Morix. We're going to help you, 'kay?"

Sara nodded. "Okay. So what do you want to know?"

"What do you remember about the crime?" Cotoli questioned. "This could help us prove your innocence."

"Well... I remember tat I was with Mr. Yang... He suggested that we go see Prosecutor Yin and ask her about the trial of Jones Runner," Sara began. "We met up with her, and after Mr. Yang accused her of forging evidence, some person cane in... And hit me in the head with something... So I ended up falling unconscious from the blow..."

"That's crazy!" I exclaimed. "What kind of monster would do that?! Attacking somebody for no reason!? Boy, do I have some things to say to that kind of creep!!"

Cotoli's eyes went wide with realization. "I'll be right back. There's something I need to go check out," he said. He turned on his heel and exited.

"What's he doing?" Sara asked, cocking her head.

I shrugged. "I don't know. But he always has been a little strange."

Sara laughed a little at my comment. I smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "It'll be okay. Promise from friend to friend," I told her.

"F-friend...?" Sara beamed.

"Here it is. The evidence to prove Sara's innocence."


I can type in two of my school classes hype-

Oh and also if you're reading this could you please vote on at least this part I'm curious about how many people are reading my series that would be very great thank you-


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