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Okay i know that no one will probably see this but how can people be so immature they follow you then unfollow you because you don't follow them back I understand people want followers but i can't freaking follow you we have something called a freaking following limit and it's 1k and I already reached it and I can't follow more than 1k until i at least have 1k or more followers and I guess I won't be able to do that if you keep unfollowing me i'm not desperate for followers but just trying to make people understand that instead of just unfollowing me ask me why I didn't follow you and i will tell you instead of being immature about it 'Oh I followed her and she didn't follow me what a bitch i'll just unfollow her' yeah that's not how it works 😐
So stop please 🙌🏻✋🏻
Have a nice day 😘
Stavol Xx

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