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"If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." ~Jeremiah 29:13

I was so happy when I found this verse!! Seriously! I've been trying to find a verse like this and I've finally found it!!

So anyway, what is God saying in this verse? He's basically saying that if you cry out to Him with all your heart, you will be heard/find Him.

I think a lot of people, including me, struggle with this. I've heard many people say "why isn't God doing anything?" Or "why hasn't he heard my prayer?" Or "He's not doing anything."

Well, have you examined your heart? Have you cried out to God, actually meaning what you said?

Don't pray to God just because other people want you to, pray because you want to. If you do it for other people, your prayer isn't coming from the heart.

Here's what I mean by praying for other people;
I mean that don't pray just because someone told you to do so. Yes, you should pray but you should do it because you want to have a closer relationship with God.

If you have any questions, you can pm me or even comment down below. If you vote, that's awesome! If you don't, then that's fine too.

Stay Happy and Hopeful!! <3

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