Chapter 2

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Dean's POV

"Listen, I think you need to watch out for yourself." I said facing my brother, who just nodded. We were in the Impala, right after a case, another demon. Sammy got hurt, so I gave him 'the lecture'. "I know Dean. But I was looking out for you." He said keeping his head down. I was driving down the highway, not wanting to look at my brother. When I drive though, I sometimes just think about the people that we lost and all the shit the world has been going though. I was in my thoughts, when Sam yelling snapped me out of my thoughts. Looking at the road, stood the back of a girl. Scratching a car to a halt, the girl turned around, hearing the rubber of the tires trying to stop, but the impala didnt stop in time, flinging her forward.

She flew onto the pavement, most likely hitting her head. We ran out of the car and started to make our way towards her. "Damnit Dean!" Sam said running to her, lifting her head onto his lap. I was in shock, she was gorgeous. Long, Wavy brown hair, angelic features, and skin that looks baby soft. Sam was gasping at something that was on her neck, I went over, feeling a need to protect her. I saw a tattoo there, and not just a simple tattoo, an Anti-possession tattoo (A/N She has a human soul, but is part demon. I wanted it to be that they notice that she was linked with hunting, but also Crowley put the tattoo on her to make sure her body doesn't get possessed by another demon)

"Bring her to the car" I said to Sammy. She looked hurt, the back of her head hit the pavement hard, and it seems as though her shoulder landed in some weird position when it fell. We brought her to the back seat of the Impala and drove towards the motel.

Once we arrived at the motel, I picked her up while Sam held the door. I put her on the bed carefully, careful of her shoulder and head. I noticed that her shoulder was dislocated, and had to be put back into place. I called Sammy over, and we popped her shoulder back into place. To my surprise, she didn't make a noise. We looked at the back of her head, seeing it wasn't bad at all, like she healed in some way. I let it be, and Sammy went out to get some food.

I waited, Sam still hasn't come back, and the mystery girl was still unconscious, when suddenly she gasped awake. Her green eyes flashing from the ceiling, to the walls, to me. I was beside her in minutes, it's clear that she was in the hunting life from her anti possession tattoo. "Hey, just relax ok?" I said, attempting to be soothing but fail. "Where am I?" she said, her voice soft and sweet. "Nebraska" I said. She looked at me in shock "like the USA?" she said, I couldn't help but chuckle; "yes, like the USA" I replied, confirming her. "Whats your name?" I asked her, curious. It was clear that she was lost, and not to mention, confused. "Talia..." She said, she curled up in a little ball, clearly nervous. "Well, It's nice to meet you Talia, I'm Dean, Dean Winchester."

A/N Short chapter, but I wanted to introduce Talia to Dean before she met Sam, idk why. Crowley isn't the king of hell yet, He will be in season 5, right now, he is just a cross roads demon. Just wanted to confirm that. I will be working more on this story now more then the others, I am re-watching supernatural (Cause why not) and I started to get a lot of inspiration. So here is the next chapter, and I will post the next chapter as soon as possible.

Crowley's Daughter (Supernatural FF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant