what a prologue

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what a fuking shit why doesn't tab work

wow this is



no wonder I left this site jfc


back to the story? without tabs

[*insert fake tab here*] Dusk draped itself gently over the horizon. This night would hold no gentleness, however. This night a royal convoy would be making its way through the isles, on board was gold enough to have chance of bringing a smile to the brooding face of Captain Von Karnstein. The only other thing that could do that was copious amounts of rum, which, Lafontaine had learned, was not always the safest thing. The captain had some odd tendencies. Before they knew it, the captain had tossed the spyglass at them. With a reaction timing that only came from years of the captain tossing random things at unexpected times, Lafontaine experetly snagged the spyglass from the air and slipped it into the pouch they kept at their side; it contained miscellaneous things like a wrench, nuts and bolts, protractors and other small tools.

"You and your little sea rats got those mechanics set up in the isles?" Came the harsh voice of the captain from behind them.

"Aye, sure do, cap. They're waiting for my signal now." Lafontaine beamed with pride. As soon as the captain found out about their seamless scientific ability and handiworks, she had taken them in right away; sometimes using plunder to fund their work, and even letting them experiment on the ship sometimes. That was, of course, on days when the crew was too tired to do anything so if something did go wrong... well, they'd have time to fix it. There was respect here, validation. Everything they never had at the home they left all those years ago. So it took pirating, something Lafontaine was never really comfortable with doing, to have it, but the pride instilled in them by their crew and captain made it more than worth it. It was a life worth living.

"Well, what are you waiting for? I smell dinner coming." The captain said with a grin. Lafontaine took the bright yellow flag and dipped it in the flames, then throwing it as far as possible into the isles. A few moments later, along with the whir of mechanics, a dense fogged began to fill the isles. No one would be able to see through it. Well, almost no one. The captain had eyes like a hawk and could smell her prey from a mile away. Gold she could smell from across the world. It was almost as if she had a sixth sense for plunder. Or maybe that was the rum she drank. Lafontaine had once asked if they could poke around on the subject, to maybe spruce up a few things on the ship, but the captain had bluntly refused the matter.

"Alright, kiddos, give her a taste of the wind!" The captain laughed, taking a swig from a jug of rum.

"You heard her, rats, loose main!" Echoed the first mate. No one really knew anything about them. Their face was always covered by a black bandana, and a hood was pulled over their head, clad in black and crimson. They knew too things: the name given to the first mate was Locksley. They also knew that Locksley was a force to be reckoned with. Four pistols strapped to the chest, one holstered on each side of the hip, another set strapped to the calves and an over-sized blunderbust on their back. They were more than terrifying. They were like the malicious extension of captain Karnstein, treated as one might treat their own leg. Or more suitably, their fist. Some believed that Locksley had even come from the Karnstein family, but no one would dare to ask.

The ship lurched forward into the fog, and just starboard they could see the lanterns of the brigs that guarded the royal frigate. The captain muttered slowly to themself, wearing a face of sheer determination and murder. Slowly... a little closer..

"Now! Fire starboard broad-sides and let LOOSE! Catch the wind and give it all!" The captain bellowed, proceeding immediately to howl with laughter whilst spinning the wheel as the ship darted forward. One blast from the thirty two broadside cannons was more than enough to cripple the brigs, Lafontaine knew, so thus focused on the massive frigate they intended to board. The captain went on with her fanatics, the first mate echoing her insanity. Thanks to Laf, they were like a ghost in the water, No one knew what was happening until hell itself was upon them. Laf now focused on the newly designed mortars, trying their best to angle them for the perfect hit. Calculating that perfect hit was a right pain in the arse, with so many unknowns. The amount of guess work was enough to give them nightmares for a week. After a few minutes and a cringe, Laf lit the fuse and hoped for the best while the last brig was being sent to the depths of the sea. When Lafontaine heard the splintering of wood, ripping of fabrics, screams and the slightly satanic Karnstein laugh, they knew they had been spot on. With a fire of the front chasers and a round of the broadsides, the frigate was incapacitated and had no means of getting anywhere.

"Let loose the grapples! Board her and paint the deck fifty shades of crimson!" Locksley shouted, taking a rope and swinging to their deck with ease. The captain said to spare the high ranks, but she didn't say she couldn't injure them.. They quickly twirled out two pistols and shot before blades had a chance to be drawn, and before anyone knew what was happening, they were right up in the captains face, driving a knee into his gut and catching him by the throat as he fell.

"Locksley! That bastard isn't on the menu, kill someone else!" Came a shout amidsts the battle. WIth an inhuman snarl, they hurled the captain through the rails of the helm and wretched a blade from a coprse before jumping into the fight. Meanwhile, the captain had made her way below deck. She had a nose for treasure, and she wanted the gold on this ship like it was a drug. Below deck was a mess, to say the least. The timber was cracked and aflame, various objects were skewn across the floors. The floors bore gaping holes as well, and she could see water flooding in through the hull of the ship. This bastard wouldn't be afloat for much longer. It was a touch navigation to where she assumed the safe room was, but she was sure it would be there. Most ships in the royal fleet and a similar layout and design, and this ship would be no different. As always, Captain Von Karnstein was correct. The safe room had bits and pieces blown out of it, but the tight metal frame work was still there. She shoved her pistol into the lock of the door and shot.

There was a small gasp on the other side. The captain grinned slyly before kicking in the door. Inside was piles upon piles of gold coin and chests. But... there was also a figure. Carmilla grinned, there was definitely more than one type of booty in this safe room, and she enjoyed them both very  much.

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