Do I really have to change my socks

3 0 0

this is a serious question

I'm distressed

do I have to?

anyway, story

I guess

[TAB!!!!] The captain sat on the railings of the helm, back pressed against the wheel. She seemed rather bored. The two ladies she found in the safe room were now being held in the brig by Lafontaine, and the chests of coin and jewels were sent to her personal cabin. Carmilla took mental note to speak to Lafontaine about the prisoners later, but for now she had some more pressing matters to handle. Kneeling before her with hands bound were the officers of the frigate.

"Care to introduce me to the lads?" The captain asked, to no one in particular.

"If you think you're going-" The bound mans words were quickly met with a swift kick in the stomach. He let out a small gasp for air, and in this moment of opportunity, Locksley shoved the front end of their blunder-bust into his mouth. Needless to say the man was terrified.

"This here bastard is the captain of the frigate, the other two scum are his officers. The shaggy fellow over there? Well.. Not really sure who he is." Locksley said in a low growl. The first mate always seemed so angry at something, but no one cared to know why.

"Take 'em to the brig, but leave the, uh, shaggy one. Leave him here." Captain Karnstein ordered. Locksley sighed and removed the gun from the mouth of the terrified captain, as if they were disappointed they didn't get to blow his brains out. Locksley grabbed the captain by the collar and dragged him below deck, the others following by heel.

Captain Karnstein dropped from the helms railings to the deck, heading over to the prisoner. "What's your name, lad?" She asked gently. He gave no reply. Carmilla squatted down and started the man in the eye. She saw fear, and so she gave off a little growl.

"Kirsch. Wilson Kirsch." He stuttered, eyes drenched in terror. "Please, don't hurt me. I'm just an escort for the lady Hollis, honest. I don't even want to be here."

Carmilla started to laugh, as if she had just heard the most hilarious joke in a hundred years, "Oh, you idiot.. Don't worry. I won't hurt you, so long as you do a little something for me." A wicked smile now adorned her face.

"What is it you want..?" Kirsch asked, terrified.

Earlier, in the brigs



now its gone okay fUCKO

uhm shit wghat the fliOCOAUIWHR ... dick.

throw me under a bus and call me gay

b? oka.... FUCK YOUUUUUU




Lafontaine gently shoved the two women into the cell before locking it. Maybe they wouldn't recognize them. The ginger was in no way shape or form pleased with this arrangement, however.

"How could you throw me in such a filthy place? Don't you people CLEAN? There is mold everywhere, it reeks of rum and vomit, everything is filthy- how do you live like this? I almost pity you for -" The ginger rambled on and on until Laf had just about enough.

"Look, it's a brig. It isn't meant to be clean, your a prisoner. You don't get the nice cabin. If you aren't happy with this, the ocean is always an option." Lafontaine sassed. They knew her all too well, they knew how frustrated this place would make her. After all these years, maybe she forgot their voice. Maybe.. They hadn't meant to say a word. They had meant to give them all the silent treatment.. But her voice, oh her voice.. It brought back far too much.

"Susan..?" Lola Perry spoke softly, the fire in her voice all but extinguished.

"You know her?" Came the voice if who they presumed to be Laura Hollis. "Her." The world stung, even as they muttered it under their breath.

"I am NOT a 'her' and my name is NOT Susan!" They snapped angrily, and Perry flinched. Oh god did it hurt to see that.

"I thought you died.. Where did you go? What happened to you? What happened.. what happened to Susan?" Perry asked, pain filling her voice.

Lafontaine turned her back to them, Perry couldn't see her face.. not like this. "Gone. Susan is long gone, Perry. I didn't want to be her anymore." Lafontaine answered coldly. They loved Perry, with all their heart.. but if she couldn't accept who they were, then it just wasn't worth it.

"That's too bad.. Susan was my friend. You? I don't even know who you are.." Perry choked on her words, and Lafontaine's heart stung, like acid had been poured on an open wound. There was then a creaking of a latch, and Lafontaine could hear Locksley's angry footsteps. They walked away, Laura was saying something angrily but Laf had blocked everything out as they headed back to the deck of the ship to greet the captain, who seemed to be having fun tormenting the poor over-sized puppy of an escort.

"Oh, Lafontaine. I'll have to have a word with you later in my cabin, but until then I need you to chart a course to Dun'Loring. We have business with a certain Lord Hollis." The captain grinned, taking a swig of rum before turning to one of her men, who happened to be swabbing the deck at the time.

"Bring the over-sized puppy to the brig and have Locksley fetch me Lady Hollis. Alive and unspoiled, please. Be specific about that. Can't have any more incidents like last time." The captain laughed before turning to her cabin. She already had too much to drink today, and was going to need some time to cool off before "interrogating" the Lady Hollis.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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