Chapter 13: the chapter of cliffhangers

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Careful lila! Your hunting a rabbit here, not some type of hibernating bear!

I thought as i creeped up on the large rabbit, lowering my silver head as i moved stealthily through the tall grass into striking range.

I quickly settled myself down-wind of the rabbit, holding my breath as it sniffed the air but exhaling as it put its head down and continued to nibble the grass.  I hesitated a few more seconds before pushing out with my hindlegs, swiftly killing the rabbit before it even took notice.

I grabbed the chest of the rabbit between my teeth, careful not to bite to hard.

Oh and No, no one cares that i carried the rabbit in my teeth. Its not like we eat the fur.


Anyways, I carried the rabbit back to camp, my head low. Even with my enhanced hearing and the fact that i can smell a rabbit a trees distance away in wolf form, we haven't gotten much food.  

I wish percy were here! Thalia and Luke got into a fight yesterday, they NEVER fight! Percy would have known what to say, heck, percy would have packed us up and left. But its not like we  can leave him behind! 

No matter how much i want to...

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and padded over to the large basket we've started putting food in. Even with my rabbit, only two fish, a large bird and another smaller rabbit were laying in the pile.

I placed the rabbit down and turned my head to Luke, who was busy  cutting up the last of the deer meat we had and cooking it over the fire. On the other side near percy's tent sat Thalia, busy sharpening her arrows on a small rock.

And Natalie... I have no clue were in hades she went to. Just to be safe, i glanced over my shoulder. Its seems that shes developed a unsettling habit of randomly teleporting behind me and scaring me to death, not normally on purpose though.

At least, i hope not.

When i turned, i froze. I had an idea.

It struck me like Thalia had zapped me with lightning, fast and made me shiver.

Yes! Im going to go into percy's tent, slap him, and tell him to get his lazy butt out here and help us move away from here!

Not like i have anything left to loose...

Oh and this was my most liked POV so i decided to do it again


"567, 568 , 569, 570"

I mumbled to myself as i stared intently at the ceiling, counting the small and worn stone bricks that covered it.

Yes, life is that depressing.

I wonder how everyones doing? Fine? Are they all....
NO ZOË!!!! Don't think the worst! There out there! They will find you, just believe!

Just... Believe...


Who am i kidding? Ill be stuck here forever!

I rolled over on my side, my dirty hunters outfit, the only thing i had left of home, was torn and covered in mud.
My pride was lost somewhere, most of my hope... Gone. It faded.
My dreams are troubled, I'm always chasing something, someone who is just out of reach...

I curl up in a ball, tucking my knees to my chest and i close my eyes.

Maybe dreams are better than reality.


The stars shone bright above my head, almost as if i reached out i could touch them.

I looked around slowly, as if in a trance, to take in what i saw.

The moon and stars shone a brilliant silver above my head as i stood in a moonlit clearing. Woods dotted the edge but what caught my eye was a large oak tree in the middle. Everything was washing in silver, midnight purple and dark shades of blue, the scent of jasmine and lavender hung in the air as a light breeze fluttered by. Tall grass felt smooth, almost like silk against my bare feet.

I placed my hands on my head, feeling my silk-soft hair tightly braided with silver over my shoulder. Looking down i realized i wasn't wearing my torn up outfit, instead i was wearing a dress the color of wine grapes with a braided silver belt. My arms and legs weren't scratched up and dirty, they seemed fine. I felt as if i had had a shower on starlight.

Only one person could do this, manipulate dreams in this manner...


"Correct my child"

I turned quickly to face the goddess. She was dressed in a dress similar to mine but much more beautiful.

It was darker, with shadows that almost seemed to move. Like someone and put a forest at night straight into the fabric. Her silver belt seemed to be made of stars. They sometimes flew from the belt and into the air before fizzing out.

I swallowed before hastily kneeling.

"No need for formalities. Were in a dream."
I stood up.

She smiled mysteriously.

"Zoë nightshade... Im here to help you."

"What? Lady Hecate, i don't mean to be ruse but you hardly seem to be the type of Goddess who would help demigods"

"I listen to my children's prayers, and my daughter Lila has been praying to me to help you for a very long time."

I nodded. I was getting out of here!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Im not going to brake apart your cell to rescue you. You already have someone who will rescue you. He just... Lost sight of it."


"He gave up. He spent to much time worrying about the past that it took him over, but you-"

She reached out to touch my face.

"Will save him! A love story Aphrodite will be proud of. Demigods are quite interesting. Even when they loose sight of who they are."

I pulled back. "Lady Hecate... Is it percy? Are you talking about percy!?"

She smiled misheviously "you can answer that question yourself. He's over by that Oak Tree. I need to know i mad a good choice in helping you"

She smiled once more before fading into... Stars? It doesn't matter.

I turned to face the Oak Tree

You made the right choice...

Your welcome!

I didn't get any answers on the last chapters questions. There hard, but if you don't know just guess!
Look back on other chaps for the answers!

Oh, and fan art is welcome, if you want to make any or have any message the link to me!

~The most catatsic person ever, silverkitty880

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