Chapter 1

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Kara's POV


Right now me and my sister Alex known as Agent Danver's are training, so fighting. The day with Kitty 3 weeks ago went great but we only got 3 hours until I had to go because of the fucking DEO, I was having fun with Kitty, she's pretty, smart, funny and so much more than words could describe. She is like the most Beautiful girl I have ever met and she was easy to talk to, we talked about anything and everything and it never stopped, the conversation flowed naturally. I found out that she lives with her dad in Lima Ohio, she's head Cheerleader, she can sing and is in a club called Glee Club, she took her dads name so her names Kitty Wilde, she's an amazing dancer, she's just perfect. We hung out for a few days after that, exchanged numbers and everything. But after those few days she had to go back to Ohio. And yes she does know my secret about me being Supergirl. Hey don't judge me she accepted it and hasn't told a soul.

"Kara?!" Alex yelled snapping me out of trance.


"Focus,you've been daydreaming for like 2 minutes what's on your mind?" She said looking at her watch.

"It's nothing, hey can I go now I kinda have somewhere I need to be?"

"Like where?" Alex asked with her arms folding over chest looking at me sternly.

"Well Alex if you haven't realized I have an actual job to attend to unless you want Cat Grant to fire me for being late," I walked out before Alex could say anything else.

Truth is, I haven't got work today Cat surprisingly gave me the day off for taking great care of her daughter, so I'm going to Ohio, and it's only 12:30 so she's still at school, good thing I've been to her school before. 

Around 5 minutes later I ended up at her school, I quickly ran to the toilets and changed before anybody saw me. I wore tight black jeans and a black crop top that showed off a little bit of my abs, and some black and blue high-tops. I let my hair stay down and put my glasses on and walked out. I didn't know what class Kitty had so I decided to text her but not make it obvious that I was here.

Hey Kitty Kat   12:53pm 

Hey Miss Supergirl    12:53pm

So whose class are you breaking the rules to talk to me?  12:54pm

Mr Shue's Glee club rules babz ;-), Berry's singing again >:-(  12:55pm 

 Okay Babz I have to go back to work, I'll talk to you later ;-) ;-* 12:55pm

I started to make my way over to Mr Shue's glee room and gently knocked on the door. Interrupting 'Berry's solo'. Kitty looked over and smiled widely and then tackled me into a hug.

"Oh My God Kara, what are doing here?!" Kitty asked pulling away from our hug. She was smiling those pearly whites that made my heart skip. A guy with curly hair, which I assumed to be Mr Shue started talking.

"Kitty who's this-"

"Goddess," This dark skinned boy said looking me up and down.

"Umm I'm Kara Danvers, I'm from New York and -" I was interrupted by Kitty.

"And she's MY girlfriend, so back off Jake she ain't interested," Kitty said angrily.

"Girlfriend?" Me and the class asked simultaneously, I was just as shocked as any of them. Kitty turned to me smiling.

"Yes babz girlfriend, I was gonna wait until I was going to New York to visit my mom tomorrow but seen as you are here now I can't wait any longer, we have so much in common baby, why wait? You are MY Milyway" Just her saying that made my heart flutter and my knee's weak. 

"And you're My Miss Italian baby," I said to her pulling her in for a short kiss and pulls away and smiles.

Mr Shue continued the lesson as we took a seat hand in hand.


Short I know but there will be longer chapters and DRAMA 



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