Chapter 1

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Jason was never quite the normal 11th Grader and on his first day of attending Sir Ronald Reagan academy of "film" things just got a lot more strange.

One day while Jason was doing his morning routine his stomach started to grumble so he yelled at his mom to make him a ham n egg sandwich, " Mom can you make me a sandwich?" but his mom never answered "MOM!" still no answer "BITCH MAKE ME A SANDWICH!!!!!!!" still no answer, so Jason wrestled on his clothes on and grabbed his beating stick aiming to teach her a thing or two about a man and his sandwich, but when Jason arrived downstairs he was quite perplexed for no one was in the living room " that's odd usually mom doesn't leave for work till after I leave for school." he then turned to the sofa where his little brother and big sister are usually watching TV before school, but something was different." Huh? Where's Sarah and Big Lenny? He said in confusion he then goes outside to get the mail but its not there "that fucking lazy piece of shit mail man cant get off his ass and deliver my mail?! Fucking Pleb should go burn in hell for all I care." He said in rage, but in spite of his rage he notices something nobody on the blocks cars are gone."What? Mrs. Trump should've left for work on the great wall of Mexico by now? And Mr. Akbar hasn't even blown up the twins yet either." he then grabs his phone to check something but its what he doesn't see that shocks him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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