Chapter 3: New Beginnings?

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(Picture of Stella's Mom above)

|*//Stella's POV\\*| 

How, when, did they decide they were leaving for a year, and then decide to send me off to boarding school? They just left me in the dark. Wow, I really have great parents they want to just send me off to some random school. It's not even in the U.S. it's somewhere called, Halle's Wood in Britain, how typical right? The boarding school is called the "Sandrine Phoenix Boarding School". I am so confused I don't know what to do exactly, I guess I should be sad but, maybe this is my way to escape from my boring life, so I can just be new. A new beginning, this is going to be good, I can feel it. That's all I told myself the whole way to the airport. Luckily I packed really fast considering I just found out I'm going to be in Britain for a year. When we arrived at the airport everything seemed weird, my mom was so quiet the only time she ever spoke was to ask if I needed help finding where my flight was. I told her I didn't need her help but, thank you. My dad briefly told me the directions to my fight and then said goodbye. He told me there would be a girl named Althea waiting for me, so she could help me get settled in. My mother walked up to me to say goodbye, but she pulled me aside so that only I could hear. "Stella this is not a regular boarding school" my mother began saying to me in a worried voice. "It has crazy and amazing things in it, but you must make sure to never go out of the boundaries or there will be serious consequences, do you understand?" she wasn't making any sense. "Mom calm down I don't understand what your talking about. You're not making any sense." I said trying to stay calm. " Just make sure to trust no one, and to make sure you are not in the Blade dorm house." my mom was raising her voice. "Mom calm down I have to go okay, don't worry i'll be fine." I said fast trying to end the conversation. "Honey, if you need anything please find a way to talk to me." she said giving me a quick hug. " Okay, bye , love you." I said and quickly walked away. 


My flight was only 15 hours I pretty much fell asleep for half the time ,which didn't help with the jet lag, the other I spent writing my expectations and reality. Once I landed, I got my bags and because I had no friends and lots of time with my parents gone, I learned how to speak some french, so it wasn't hard to ask people for directions. I looked through the crowd of people hoping to find my ride with a sign that had my name on it. Until, finally I saw a girl with bright orange hair, holding up a small sign that read "Stella Amar?" on it. I walked over "Your Altea, right?" I said trying to be friendly even though because of the jet lag I really just wanted to get to the school. "Yup thats me, you must be Stella Amar?" she said seeming happy she found me. "I have heard so many great things about your family and it's legacy." she explained ,which shocked me because why would she know anything about my family and it's 'legacy', we walked out of the airport to find a what I thought was going to be a cab and it. And it wasn't long before Altea found something else to talk about. "You're going to love it, and at the beginning of the year we always have a ball, but most people just call it a dance or party, anywho this is our ride." she stated as I stared at a hummer limo in awe. Altea gracefully stepped in as I struggled to even get my bags in. Once I finally got in the limo started moving, Altea kept taking on and on about the school, but I really just wanted some peace and quiet so I just tuned her out and stared out the window. How is this even real maybe when I get to the school it won't be a school it'll be my parents 'Hey sorry we ignored you for ever but here is the best birthday present ever, making you think we were sending you to boarding school'. But that's just the jet lag talking to me.      

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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