Part 2

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Why bother about yesterday when it is in the past or the tomorrow you aren't guaranteed? You have today, so make the most out of it.....don't dwell in yesterday that is history and/or tomorrow that is not certain------Don't be sad inspired

"Is this really necessary?" Sultan said giving me a side look and rolling his eyes after

"yes it is very's your birthday so it must not go to waste, I know you're tired..." "famished...actually, famished is the word" he said raising his voice a little bit while rubbing his tummy

"tired yes, a little bit but I'm really hungry Manny"

"maybe if you stop being such a baby and fix yourself fast, we could all go eat"

he gave me a fake grin and continued putting on his buttons. I took his tie from the bed and walked towards him "here" I raised on my toes and put it around the collar of his shirt, then adjusted it. He tucked in the shirt and looked down at me



"please tell me I do not have to wear socks and shoes" I kept a straight face " oh you so do" he frowned "but I don't want to and today is my birthday, please?"

"ok I will let this slide" I said laughing at his expression

"thank God" he sighed " you can be so unbelievable sometimes" he said shaking his head

I smiled and led him to the living room. We sat in front of the sofa where I have laid soft covers underneath a very fluffy carpet. There were jasmine scented candles all over the sitting area with a lavender incense burning in a corner. The carpet was covered with baby pink petals and the living room looked all orangey. I felt at ease, looking at him, I felt happy and I knew he was too.

I went into the kitchen while Sultan answered a call. He was laughing hard and uttering some jargons i had no idea of when I set the food trolley right in front of him. I served him the tomato/garlic bruschetta i made and he dug in while still on the phone. I took my plate and took to my position, sitting adjacent to him. He had a mouthful and gave me a pleased look together with thumbs up. I smiled and dwelled in the yumminess of the delish bruschetta.

He hung up at last and turned to me "sorry manny, no phones from now on. Just had to take this"

So we ate as he told me all about his day. I served the main dish which was mashed potatoes and grilled salmon while Sultan talked about how good for their business the place they visited would be. He works in a construction company, him being a civil engineer, and an american company is looking to expand to the UAE where they want to have a subsidiary in the capital city, Abu Dhabi. That's where they went to check the location and do whatever it is civil engineers do before building. I listened, chipping in where I could, laughing when he said something funny, especially when he imitated his boss' strong arabic accent. He doesn't get along well with his boss because the guy is apparently a "douchie" and sultan hates working with him.

It was quarter past 9 when we finished everything and decided to top up with dessert. I was about to go get it when sultan sprang up just before me, motioning for me to sit down

"tell me where it is, I will get it" he said smiling

"it's your day, you are spoiling the picture I have painted in my head to spoil you" I looked up and smiled at him. " it is in the oven and the salad is in the fridge"

He walked briskly to the kitchen returning with a baking dish on one hand and a salad bowl on the other. He went back to get plates and peeped his head from the kitchen " what beverage would you like?" "hot chocolate please". Leave it to hot chocolate to always relax my nerves and send me to slumbers immediately. Sultan came back with my cup of hot chocolate and his cup of whatever he chose on a plate. He served the pie, putting salad on the side and motioned for me to come forward. "come, we will eat together. I will feed you" I scooted closer to him and he dug the fork in the pie and brought it to my mouth, I opened up and took the pie, closing my eyes as it's deliciousness resonated on my tongue. Ok, gotta give it to myself...this pie is everything. I heard Sultan's "Uhmmmm"

"seriously Manny why didn't you serve this first? I would have eaten it all. You just had to wait till my tummy is full" he said giving me a hurtful look "it's called desert tee, it is served last" I said laughing. "I could warm it for you tomorrow morning if you want" "oh I so do" he said really fast with a mouthful and that made me laugh harder.

"you never made this pie before, which one is this anyway?"

"chicken pot pie, got it from a novel and decided to try it"

"your first time and you got it so right. Didn't know I married a chef" I nudged him and he chuckled " got to admit it was a risk worth taking"

We cleaned up the dishes together, Sultan washed while I dried them and we were done in no time.

I sat on the kitchen stool as sultan crept behind me leaning and engulfing me into his arms. I leaned in and smiled.

"have I told you how beautiful you look today?"I nodded and smiled "well here is me saying it again. thank you so much for tonight Manny, couldn't have asked for a better birthday or wife. Our little princess will be with us when we celebrate your birthday and my next in sha Allah" he said taking his right palm to my tummy. I put my palm on top of his and said "in sha Allah (God's willing)"

I stood up and went upstairs. I met sultan on the couch looking through his phone when I came back so I sat beside him. He looked up and I handed him a wrapped box. He took it while smiling, opening it merrily. Taking the silver ring out, he gave it to me, placing his palm on my thighs

 "help me please"

 I slid the ring onto his ring finger and he examined it. Tracing his fingers over the carved SM on the ring. "Thank you" he said simply and I retuned with a simple "always"

We made our way to the room, changed, prayed isha (led by sultan) and crept into bed.

Hope you enjoy this part as well, thank you for your kind comments..... they keep me going xxx

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