Innocence - District One Reapings

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Aria Hart (D1, 12) P.O.V

"Alex, come on!" I call impatiently, glancing eagerly out the door and down the street at the dozens of other adolescents heading to the reaping. "At this rate we will be the last ones to arrive and that is such bad form!" Alex simply laughs good-naturedly and ruffles my hair affectionately. My hands fly to my hair as I gasp in indignation before fleeing the room and heading upstairs straight for my dressing table. I hesitate before glancing at my reflection the mirror, reluctant to willingly put myself through the pain of seeing the hairstyle I spent so much of my valuable time on ruined. However, as I peek timidly in the mirror I sigh with relief. My elaborate hair style in still in tact; my loose blonde curls are still piled on my head just the way I left them and the sparkling diamond pins securing them have not come loose. Taking a step back from the mirror, I examine my reflection. Due to my slight frame, slender neck, fair skin, light blonde hair and wide blue eyes I have been referred to by many as 'innocent' and 'angelic'. However, I have spent my life trying to prove them wrong. I am not innocent - innocence is weakness, and can only get you so far in life. In fact, soon any doubt of my capabilities will be eliminated as today, at my first ever reaping, I am volunteering for the hunger games. When I get home everyone will have to respect me, and no one will ever underestimate me again. Speaking of the reaping, we really have to get going! I smooth out my pastel pink knee-length dress, pull back my shoulders, raise my chin, flash myself a smile and being finally satisfied with my reflection bound downstairs. My brother is waiting for me patiently at the door when I arrive. His hair, blonde like my own, is swept across his forehead and his bright blue eyes sparkle warmly from beneath his fringe. I've heard many girls at school call him 'cute' and 'hot' and their gazes always seem to follow him wistfully as he passes, however he still remains blissfully unaware. He holds the front door open for me as I pass, bowing as a pass.
"After you, mi'lady," he says playfully, a cheeky smile on his face.
"Thank you, kind sir," I reply with a curtesy, before giggling happily. He takes my hand and we begin to walk down the street to the reaping. I subtly glance at him as we walk and watch with curious observation the range of emotions that war for dominance on his face: nervousness, uncertainty, confidence, pride. As we reach the sign in desks Alex kneels down and looks me dead in the eye.
"Aria Lilly Hart, you do not have to do this. I do not doubt your strength - I doubt my own. I do not think I could bear it if you left for one day, let alone if you never returned. Please, reconsider." The fear and desperation in his voice is enough to allow the previously ignored feeling of doubt to begin to rise to the surface. What if he's right, and I never return? It's bad enough being thought of as weak without any evidence to support it - it would not do to prove everyone right. However, I quickly suppress these feelings, reminding myself that if I do not volunteer, I too would consider myself weak. I shake my head at Alex.
"I have to do this." I almost break at the crestfallen expression on his face. I turn and begin to hurry away, however before I get too far I hesitate. "I really am sorry," I tell him over my shoulder, before hurrying away to the 12 year old section before I lose my nerve and run back to his safe embrace.

Alex Hart (D1, 16) P.O.V

I stare after my sister long after the crowd swallowed her up, trying not to let the sense of imminent doom get the better of me. An earsplitting screech sounded from the stage and myself, along with the rest of the crowd, wince. Looking around I realize that almost everyone has reached their pens and are awaiting the arrival of the District Ones escort. I quickly hurry to the 16 year old pen before the peacekeepers 'escort' me themselves. As I pass the girls pens I notice them watch me as I pass before giggling with their friends. Embarrassed, I attempt to inconspicuously feel my face. Is there something on my face? As I think this our escort, Candy Kain, totters onstage. This year her wavy hair is bright blue and flows almost to the floor. With that, combined with the fact her heels are almost completely vertical, it's a mystery how she even manages to avoid tripping. I find it hard enough not to trip without the additional factors.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the reaping of the 101st hunger games!" She trills excitedly. "Before the reaping can commence, I have a very special video for you all. I hope you enjoy it - I certainly do!"
As the annual video plays, and clips of innocent teenagers from past games brutally slaughtering each other are broadcasted on the screen, I can not help but feel sickened to imagine my sister in their place. Despite what Aria insists she is innocent, but innocence is not weakness. I know her and although she views the hunger games as a stepping stone to proving herself, I know that when it comes down to it she does not have the heart to kill. Being in district one have both been trained to various degrees; I have undertaken the mandatory 2 years of training, however Aria has been training for the games since she was 7. Despite this, when it comes down To it she may have the skills but she does not have the heart. As I come to this conclusion, the video too concludes.
"It's time!" Candy exclaims. "As per usual, ladies first." She makes her way carefully over to the large glass reaping bowl brimming with the names of innocent teenagers and thrusts her hand deep inside. The crowd as a whole takes a collective breath - some with excitement, others with horror, all with anticipation. She whips out a small white slip and brandishes it proudly. As she stumbles over to the microphone I locate Aria in the crowd and silently will her not to do it. Even from this distance it is clear any doubt she harbored earlier has been long forgotten.
"Tracy Gil-"
No. Please, no.
Aria's hand shoots up into the air, catching the escorts attention. If Candy is surprised to see a 12 year old volunteering, she is concealing it very well.
"Come on up dear!" Candy smiles as Aria makes her way through the sea of people and onto the stage. "What's your name, honey, and how old are you?"
"My name is Aria Hart, I am 12 years old, and if you underestimate me - it will be the last mistake you will ever make." The crowd seems taken aback by Aria's response. I cringe. Aria has not thought this through. Through saying that, she is not only drawing unwanted attention from the other tributes but she is painting a big, red, metaphorical target on her own back. If she continues this way, she will be kil- No. She won't. I won't let it.
"Now for the gentlemen!" Candy announces. However, before she can even draw a name I step confidently forward and into the aisle separating the pens, shouting "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" The audience spins to look at me, and I feel my cheeks flush at all the attention. I square my shoulders and begin to confidently make my way onstage. Hushed whispers surround me as I finally reach the stage and climb the short flight of stairs. I avoid looking at Aria, afraid to see her reaction, however I can hear her hushed whispers demanding I take back volunteering and 'get my ass back down to my section before I make a fool of myself'. Despite what she says, I can clearly detect the fear in her voice. I approach the microphone and, after flashing a smile at Candy I speak.
"Hello. My name is Alex Hart, I am 16 years old, and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure my sister is the victor of the 101st hunger games." And with that my Aria and I are escorted offstage through the back doors to thunderous applause. However I doubt even Aria is enjoying this moment as she knows as well as I do that only one of us, if either, is getting out of that arena alive.

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