Riptide - District Four Reapings

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Marina Waters (D4, 16) P.O.V

The vast ocean floor is alive with colour and movement; vibrant coral of all shapes and sizes are scattered on the ocean floor, exotic fish weaving among them. Rays of sunlight light have found their way through the waves above, further enhancing the picturesque scenery of the coral reef. I glide slowly through the water, allowing myself to relax for this short period of time in my hectic life. This reef is my special place - I come here when I need to be alone and gather my thoughts. I consider it as my own private sanctuary. When I am down here it's like the worries of the world melt away, ceasing to exist. Feeling my lungs begin to burn I relax, drifting leisurely up the surface. As I reach the surface I inhale deeply, relishing in the instant relief my body gives me. Reluctant to leave the comfort of my personal paradise just yet I lean back, floating on the surface of the water. My long sun-bleached blonde hair fans in a halo around my face as I let the sun warm me, warmth seeping into my pores. Right here in this moment, it is so easy to forget about the cruel world we live in and the heartless people that run it. I sigh, my mood tarnished by the unwelcome reminder of reality, and reluctantly begin to swim back to shore. Though I try and push all thoughts of the fast approaching reaping aside they are constantly sitting in the back of my mind, making my heart heavy. Wading out of the water and onto the fine, sun-warmed sand I cast my mind to my long time best friend, Caspian. Caspian and I have been best friends for years, ever since he saved me when I was 10 years old. I had been swimming in the ocean by myself when I got caught in a freak current without any warning. Although I had been raised to know what to do in such a situation I began to panic, thrashing around in a futile attempt to keep my head above water. I began to tire very quickly, the strength draining from my limbs, and slipped below the churning waves into the depths below. I weakly struggled to get back to the surface, lungs burning and black dots swimming lazily at the edge of my vision, but it's no use. On an inevitable impulse my lungs attempt to gasp for air of their own accord, instead painfully dragging water into my lungs. My brain had begun to shut down and I felt myself slowly losing consciousness, when a strong arm wrapped around my torso and me backwards through the water towards the beach. After that, the next thing I recall was lying on my back on the sandy beach, my throat burning as I vomit and splutter up my lungful of sea water. A boy was sitting beside me, watching me gasp for precious air. I later learned his name was Caspian and he was 11, one year older than me. He had been fishing on the shore when he saw the rip take me. Since then, we have been inseparable. I turn towards home, heading down the busy street and smiling at people I know as I pass them. They try to smile back, however it is clearly strained. Today is the day of the reaping, and this knowledge weighs heavily on the minds of all. I have been to reapings before, today being my fourth time, so I'm not as nervous as some many of the other people. Four years is plenty of time to get used to the fact I could be thrown into a fight to the death and I have spent that time formulating a foolproof strategy on the off chance I do get reaped, however unlikely it is. From personal experience I know for a fact the twelve year olds will be feeling the most frightened right now. Being entered into a reaping for a fight to the death seems to do that to people. When I arrive home I head into our small kitchen to see if my parents are home. Mum is in the kitchen sitting at the table, though she quickly stands when I walk in. Rushing to her I embrace her, seeking comfort in the safety of her arms. Only here do I let myself acknowledge the fear that has been plaguing my mind about the reaping.
"'s OK..." My mum continues to stroke my hair and make soothing noises until I have calmed. I raise my bleary eyes to hers and offer her a shaky smile; she offers an equally shakes one in return.
"You better start thinking about getting ready now..." She murmurs kindly. "I lashed out your outfit on the bed." I smile at her, grateful, before going upstairs to get dressed. When I enter my room, I stop dead in my tracks as I see the dress my mum has laid out for me. It's beautiful! I gaze at it in wonder, trailing my fingers softly on the heavenly material. I hastily slip it on and gaze in wonder at it in my mirror. The dress is a knee length and strapless with material so silky and light I find myself constantly marveling at it. The top of the dress is a light blue, and the colour darkens as it gets closer to the hem at my knees. Sprinkled around the bottom portion of my dress, on the dark blue, are dozens of very small dark blue gems. In the shade they do not stand out, however when the dress is in the sun they catch the sunlight,  reflecting the light beautifully and making them sparkle with my slightest movement. I am awestruck, disbelieving that we could possibly afford such a beautiful garment. To complete the look I style my hair into a waterfall braid, allowing the vast majority of it to flow freely down my back. Slipping into my white strappy sandles I hurry back downstairs. Caspian is going to be stopping by so we can walk to the reaping together and he is due to arrive any minute now. Walking back into the kitchen, my mum looks up at me and gasps.
"Oh, Marina, you look beautiful!" I blush, ducking my head at the compliment. At that moment, a three knocks in quick succession sound at the front door. Caspian is here. Wanting to spend a few moments more with mum I linger, giving her a warm hug. "Thank you, for everything. I love you so much..."
"Oh, I love you too." Is her heartfelt reply. We step back, and I give her I last quick smile and kiss on the cheek before I turn around and sorry out the door before I can lose my nerve again.

Caspian Ryder (D4, 17) P.O.V

Jaw slack, I gaze at Marina with wide eyes as she walks down her garden path towards me. Her blue eyes lock with mine and she beams; I grin back, the ever present worry of the reaping temporarily forgotten.
"Marina," I murmur in greeting as she reaches my side. "You look..." I struggle to find eloquent words to describe her beauty.
"Gorgeous? Stunning? Beautiful? Radiant?" She jokes, a cheeky sparkle in her eye.
"Those, and more," I reply honestly, a husky undertone giving away more of my emotions than I meant to. Her cheeks flush, turning pink at the praise. God, she's beautiful. I clear my throat.
"I suppose we should be off then. We can't ignore the reaping forever." She nods, and we set off together towards the town square.
When we arrive, we hesitate before departing to our respective sections.
"Marina..." I begin. I am a mess of emotions inside, all of them churning together to form one confusing mass: nerves about the reaping; fear that I, or more importantly Marina, will get picked; frustration that I have waited so long to express my feelings to Marina; but also excitement and adoration about being so close to Marina.
She smiles at me, waiting for me to continue.
"I...just wanted to wish you luck for the reaping." Coward! That was your chance. She smiles warmly at me.
"You too. Don't worry, Cas, we will be fine. I'll see you later." She graces me with a small wave before melting into the crowd, leaving me staring helplessly after her.
A few minutes later I am in my pen and the mayor has just finished the mandatory speech and video presentation. The crowd shifts uneasily as out vibrantly coloured escort prances around on stage, gushing about how excited she is to be here. Her getup is unusual to say the least. She has a very loose sack-like dress on which is covered with plastic models of dozens of small fish. I am even fairly sure I can see a plastic shark near her knee. It's clear that this is her attempt to express some district pride; I appreciate the gesture, but her outfit is rather terrifying to be honest. Finished with her self-appointed speech, she dips her manicured hands into the glass bowl with the girls names. Marina's name is in that bowl five times, and in my opinion that is five times too many. She daintily plucks out a name and hurries back to the microphone, opening it as she goes.
"And our lucky tribute is..." Please, not Marina. Please, anyone but Marina. "Marina Waters! Come on up, dear." My heart seems to cease beating as I register what this means. Marina is going to die. I watch her walk up to the stage, chin raised confidently and a fearless expression on her face. To anyone else she would seem the epitome of confidence, however I have known her for so long even from here I can tell she is terrified.
"How old are you, deary?"
"I am 16 years old." She smiles at the escort, however it doesn't quite reach her eyes.
"Lovely. Now, for the boys." If possible, my heart sinks further, so I am almost expecting what comes next.
"Caspian Ryder! Congratulations!" School my expression into one of confidence before stepping out of my pen and striding up to the stage. My gaze locks with Marina's as I climb the stairs and an unspoken conversation passes between us.
Caspian, how could this have happened to us?
It will be OK, Marina. Trust me.
I am first to look away, and flash my best smile at the escort. Without breaking eye contact I pick up her hand, bending my head to brush my lips across her knuckles.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," I murmur huskily to her. I know even now we are being judged by potential sponsors and sponsors are vital if I am to get Marina out or this alive. The escort seems flustered for a second, clearly both shocked and pleased, before stuttering: "W-w-well then. Aren't you charming? How old are you, handsome?"
"Seventeen, Madame."
"I see... Well ladies and gentlemen, I present to you your two tributes for the 101st annual hunger games!" There is polite applause as we exit the stage, walking into the wide doors leading to the rest of our apparently very short lives. I have only one thought and that is that no matter what, I will do everything humanely possible to ensure Marina has a fighting chance of escaping with her life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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